whid-injector / WHID

WiFi HID Injector - An USB Rubberducky / BadUSB On Steroids.
MIT License
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Change keyboard layout #27

Closed PaulSec closed 6 years ago

PaulSec commented 6 years ago

Hi Luca,

I tried changing the keyboard layout of my WHID to fit french keyboards. My current OS is : Linux cert1 4.14.0-kali3-amd64.

I personally:

  1. changed the Keyboard.cpp constant values,
  2. Plugged the WHID on USB 2 port
  3. Opened the Arduino Sketch in this repository
 * WHID Injector - Arduino Sketch
 * http://whid.ninja
 * Forked by Luca Bongiorni
 * Based on ESPloit by Corey Harding of www.LegacySecurityGroup.com

For individual keypresses or combinations of key presses send the following via software serial:
-"Press:X" or "Press:X+Y" or "Press:X+Y+Z" and so forth
--Expects DECIMAL Values for X,Y,Z,etc
--Sending the following via software serial "Press:131+114" with the Arduino's USB plugged into a Windows machine would output KEY_LEFT_GUI(Windows_Key)+r thus launching the run prompt
--List of modifier keys(GUI,ALT,CTRL,ETC) at https://www.arduino.cc/en/Reference/KeyboardModifiers
--ASCII table lookup at http://www.asciitable.com/

To type out strings of text send via software serial:
-"Print:XYZ" Types out "XYZ"
--Sending the following via software serial "Print:www.Exploit.Agency" would type out "www.Exploit.Agency" on the machine connected via USB

To type out strings of text send via software serial:
-"PrintLine:XYZ" Types out "XYZ" then presses enter
--Sending the following via software serial "PrintLine:www.Exploit.Agency" would type out "www.Exploit.Agency" on the machine connected via USB and press enter

To make a delay:
--Sending the following via software serial "Delay" would wait for X seconds(length of delay set in esp8266 sketch) on the machine connected via USB before proceeding to next item in payload

#include <Keyboard.h>
#include <SoftwareSerial.h>
//#include <HID-Project.h>
//#include <HID-Settings.h>

//Used later for determining if we are ready to release a key press or a combination of key presses
int keypressdone=0;

void setup() { 
  pinMode(13, OUTPUT);

void loop() {  
  while (Serial1.available()) {
    String cmd = Serial1.readStringUntil(':');
    //If command equals "Press:X" or "Press:X+Y+ETC"
    if(cmd == "Press"){
      String fullkeys = Serial1.readString();
      int str_len = fullkeys.length()+1; 
      char keyarray[str_len];
      fullkeys.toCharArray(keyarray, str_len);
      char delimiter[] = "+";
      char *keypart;
      keypart = strtok(keyarray, delimiter);
      while(keypart != NULL) {
        int key = atoi(keypart);
        keypart = strtok(NULL, delimiter);

      if(keypressdone==1) {

    //If command equals "Print:X"
    else if(cmd == "Print") {
      String keycode = Serial1.readString();

    //If command equals "PrintLine:X"
    else if(cmd == "PrintLine") {
      String keycode = Serial1.readString();
  1. Selected Lilypad Arduino USB for the board
  2. Chose port /dev/ttyACM0
  3. Clicked Upload

I got:

Sketch uses 8922 bytes (31%) of program storage space. Maximum is 28672 bytes.
Global variables use 437 bytes (17%) of dynamic memory, leaving 2123 bytes for local variables. Maximum is 2560 bytes.

The sketch seems to have been uploaded successfully, I manage to connect to the Wi-Fi network (unchanged) but when I try launching commands using the Input Mode, nothing happens on the host machine.

Let me know if you need further details !

whid-injector commented 6 years ago

So far all the process looks fine. Did u cross-check with the video in wiki if u followed exactly all steps?

The usb port was 2.0, right?

Which Arduino IDE version is?

Did u try a softreset over serial or hardreset with magnet and reflash the sketch? (check wiki amd youtube channel)

@exploitagency maybe you have other questions? I cannot think anything else that could have been wrong now

exploitagency commented 6 years ago

That sketch is outdated, there was no input mode back then(your mixing two versions of the software).

Run the latest software(from ESPloitV2 repo). The main issue is that the serial link is set to the wrong speed, it has been increased in later software updates. Also with this sketch being outdated some of the new commands are not supported(update the 32u4 sketch). Match your 32u4 and ESP sketch software revisions.


Please also upgrade your ESP, just use the binary and the web interface on the ESP. https://github.com/exploitagency/esploitv2/releases

PaulSec commented 6 years ago

Hey there,

Thanks for the inputs. I will give this a shot tomorrow and let you know how it goes.

whid-injector commented 6 years ago

Yeah, Corey is right! U have to try the ESPLOITV2 sketch, since ESPLOITV2 is the fw shipped by default nowadays!


PaulSec commented 6 years ago

Hey there,

After uploading the new sketch, this works like a charm! Thanks a lot for your help :beers: