whilenull / 7777-support

Documentation and support for 7777.
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Support For Apple M1 Device #32

Open faradele opened 2 years ago

faradele commented 2 years ago


I'm currently unable to run the 7777 binary on a macOS device with the M1 chip. Executing the binary after following the macOS install steps in the readme file yields the following output:

bad CPU type in executable: 7777

Is there any plan to support M1 devices?

Thank you.

faradele commented 1 year ago

@mnapoli Can you kindly provide any assistance on this matter?

mnapoli commented 1 year ago

Hey @faradele, sorry for the delay!

When running an intel binary on M1 for the first time, macOS should offer to install Rosetta (macOS's compatibility layer). That's what I have done on my machine and 7777 works without issue. In case installing Rosetta is skipped, it will not offer to install it again.

What you can do then is install it (see https://apple.stackexchange.com/questions/408375/zsh-bad-cpu-type-in-executable):

softwareupdate --install-rosetta

That's a workaround, in the future I want into building M1-specific binaries but that requires reworking the build process a bit.