whilenull / 7777-support

Documentation and support for 7777.
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Unable to connect to other app #49

Open AngieYHQ opened 9 months ago

AngieYHQ commented 9 months ago

I am encountering difficulty establishing a connection to MYSQL within Tableau Prep. Here is the image for reference:


On the left side of the image, there is a screenshot displaying an error message from Tableau Prep Builder regarding the connection issue. Conversely, on the right side of the image, there is a successful connection to MYSQL displayed in Dbeaver.

I have attempted connecting with both the --verbose and --forever flags, but the results have been consistent. Despite trying various applications such as TablePlus, Tableau Desktop, and Tableau Prep, I've found that only Dbeaver is able to establish a successful connection to 7777. However, I need to use other app too.

Could you please provide guidance on resolving this issue?

mnapoli commented 9 months ago

Hi! That's interesting, I'm using TablePlus without issues (and also scripts and mysql in the CLI).

Here's my configuration:


What error do you get in TablePlus? Do you have a configuration different from mine?

AngieYHQ commented 9 months ago

It looks the same to me. Reestablish connection wont help! Driver Error. Lost connection to MySQL server at 'waiting for initial communication packet', system error: 10060 image

mnapoli commented 9 months ago

Oh that's weird!

Searching for that error message I found answers suggesting it might be the firewall blocking some applications? Could it be that? Are you on Windows?


AngieYHQ commented 9 months ago

I am on windows and should not be firewalls as I am on wifi. What is the IP/FQN that we need to open on our firewall? Do you have a guideline or procedure for reference?

mnapoli commented 9 months ago

It wouldn't be a network firewall, more like an antivirus application installed on your machine. You would need to whitelist the TablePlus application to access localhost on port 7777.