Closed virtualized-human closed 2 years ago
Ill saw you tag and added you :)
could you send the video file as mp4 here. since i don't want to open that link :(
i cant upload...
AH i can. wait a minet
Also... Can we chat in Discord over that, i think that may bee better?
mhm i see i don't know if this is an error on the code part or the package. could you just debug it (play.js file)
also i accidently ignored your request before i saw this issue and thought it was a random person so please send it again
You mean, that i show the terminal while doing?
or npm run dev?
Now i reinstalled the bot, so i can test better because i got issues (of changing a bit something in code like added a clear filer button that worked) and now im getting this error on /play with vailid link:
`[ERROR] DiscordAPIError: Unknown interaction /home/discord/wave/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/InteractionResponses.js:138 if (!this.deferred && !this.replied) throw new Error('INTERACTION_NOT_REPLIED'); ^
Error [INTERACTION_NOT_REPLIED]: The reply to this interaction has not been sent or deferred.
at CommandInteraction.editReply (/home/discord/wave/node_modules/discord.js/src/structures/interfaces/InteractionResponses.js:138:48)
at Object.execute (/home/discord/wave/events/slashCreate.js:40:22)
at processTicksAndRejections (node:internal/process/task_queues:96:5)
at async Client.
Used commands to install:
wget unzip mv Musico-3.5/ wave cd wave/ ls nano musico.config.js (added vailid token and ids) npm i node musico.js
(also seeable in video that i compressed so its not so seeable but yes) what do i need to do to fix it?
and the login things that i leaked not working so you dont need to say me xD
actually you are installing an older version i haven't pushed the new one to releases yet. Just clone the repo now , i deleted the previous release
i tried it bevore with clone...
but here:
root@146:/home/discord/wave# node musico.js
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[Musico] | Logged in as Wave#6839!
[Musico] | Servers! ["9"]
[Musico] | Users! ["2"]
[Musico] | Channels! ["243"]
[Musico] | Loaded all (/) commands
WARNING: ytdl-core is out of date! Update with "npm install ytdl-core@latest".
MinigetError: Status code: 410
at ClientRequest.
These errors comes after use /play valid link...
can we also chat over discord or is this a problem? dotxyz#2418
i updated npm install ytdl-core@latest as it sayed works now wih youtube and spotify
but playlist still dont work... only if i play a single song, and skip to playlist...
without errror idk
Please also add a anticrash for any error with permissions because the bot crashs, if the bot dont have enought permissions on a user that can be appused... Also a filter clear command and button. Thats what i think will make the bot better. than you need to fix the playlist system if it is not a package issue...
i ignored your friend request, send it again
im now online.
i also get no view information (only on every song the number 0) on spotify songs. i think that need to be fixxed or disabled also...
hm ig it's a problem with the package ask in their support server
What package?
discord-player :)
i already asked in twitter (hopfully ill get an answer) for you discord tag. Or add me: dotxyz#2418!
I saw a bug and i tried to fix but idk how. Something is wrong with the /home/discord/Musico/commands/slash/music/play.js
See the Video for Issue:
i hope you undestand this...
I think the playlist need to be buggfixxed.
I wish me a anticrash also, is some error comes so the bot wont crash if something went wrong!