whisky-actual / Community-JAS-39-C

GitHub for the JAS-39-C Gripen mod for DCS
184 stars 32 forks source link


Closed CJordense closed 3 years ago

CJordense commented 3 years ago

I tested out the MAR.1 HARM Missiles earlier when the Gripen released, only to see thet their Cruising Speed is 5000 knots. It's in order of the screenshots: 1. Just fired, 2. Acceleration till it stops accelerating for 2-3 seconds, 3. Accelerates till 5000 knots, 4. Closing in on sam site at lot's of G's.

When turning towards the target (in this case a HAWK sam site), it pulled 40 G's constant for about 3 seconds. I'll post the screenshots in this post below. Check the infobar at the bottom of the screen for info on the missile ongoing. It displays speed, alt and G's. Cheers, CJ. Screen_210615_185657 Screen_210615_185719 Screen_210615_185737 Screen_210615_185745 Screen_210615_185757

whisky-actual commented 3 years ago

Good stuff, did Vinedog already share the dev build because this is already fixed

CJordense commented 3 years ago

Good stuff, did Vinedog already share the dev build because this is already fixed

So, this was before the new one dropped, I guess I'll have to test it out then. Check tomorrow.