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[user.js] Privacy settings placeholder/functionality #30

Open NathanBland opened 8 years ago

NathanBland commented 8 years ago

We need a way to determine what shows up for a user when they are asked a question.

This should be a setting that the user can customize.

So, person A -> requests currently playing music from -> person B.

By default we will not show who requested an update, just that One of your friends wants to know what you are listening to however, if person B has privacy settings turned on for that question, or overall, we should notify person A before they ask for the update (as a confirm) then send the notification to person B saying person A wants to know what you are listening to.

Since this will be heavy user settings, I'm assigning it to @keawade, though currently I can't for some reason.

This is something that I think is pretty core to the whole concept, and I would like to have this in place before I write the notification logic.