whitecatboard / Lua-RTOS-ESP32

Lua RTOS for ESP32
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SSH Connection Fails #159

Closed mafrmt00 closed 5 years ago

mafrmt00 commented 6 years ago

SSH connection is not possible. Neither from Linux, MacOS or Windows.

ESP32 Module Log: dropbear: Child connection from

Windows Bitvise SSH Client Log: 09:53:47.993 Started a new SSH2 session. 09:53:48.012 Connecting to SSH2 server 09:53:48.215 Connection established. 09:53:48.240 Server version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2017.75 09:53:48.240 First key exchange started. 09:53:48.416 Received host key from the server. Algorithm: RSA, size: 2048 bits, MD5 fingerprint: 60:93:29:e8:28:8e:c7:b7:12:a3:5f:b7:22:45:c6:19, Bubble-Babble: xivem-myzyn-vaber-gyvih-zypag-tidim-torif-lonoh-ferac-rafel-luxex, SHA-256 fingerprint: babWff86pOflRNewz3G7OE3fsFLg2BHin6WLZTLxVU4. 09:53:48.463 The SSH2 session has terminated with error. Reason: Error class: LocalSshDisconn, code: KeyExchangeFailed, message: FlowSshKexDhClient: invalid DH value.

jolivepetrus commented 6 years ago


I can connect to Lua RTOS from windows with the bitwise ssh client:


My log:

12:30:29.368 Current date: 2018-05-03 12:30:29.368 Bitvise SSH Client 7.41, a fully featured SSH client for Windows. Copyright (C) 2000-2018 by Bitvise Limited. 12:30:29.368 Visit www.bitvise.com for latest information about our SSH software. 12:30:29.368 Run 'BvSsh -help' to learn about supported command-line parameters. 12:30:29.368 Cryptographic provider: Windows CNG (x86) with additions 12:30:29.549 Loading default profile. 12:30:29.549 Loading default profile failed: RegOpenKeyExW() failed: Windows error 2: El sistema no puede encontrar el archivo especificado. 12:30:29.549 Loading a blank profile. 12:30:51.778 Started a new SSH2 session. 12:30:51.784 Connecting to SSH2 server 12:30:51.951 Connection established. 12:30:51.959 Server version: SSH-2.0-dropbear_2017.75 12:30:51.959 First key exchange started. Cryptographic provider: Windows CNG (x86) with additions 12:31:00.833 Received host key from the server. Algorithm: RSA, size: 2048 bits, MD5 fingerprint: 4b:30:d1:1c:ac:a8:05:f1:5d:61:7e:bf:b4:e5:37:7f, Bubble-Babble: xuriz-tylob-mizap-detyh-mitof-kuzet-hamyc-bilom-ladat-bonin-lexex, SHA-256 fingerprint: KVrvJlZnebuxKnhxsr08RE3jyKPyIUu0K8bQ44FRyPk. 12:31:05.329 Host key has been saved to the global database. 12:31:05.351 First key exchange completed using diffie-hellman-group14-sha1. Session encryption: aes256-ctr, integrity: hmac-sha2-256, compression: none. 12:31:05.467 Attempting none authentication. 12:31:05.812 Remaining authentication methods: 'publickey,password'. 12:31:10.846 Attempting password authentication. 12:31:11.007 Authentication completed. 12:31:11.018 Terminal channel opened. 12:31:11.018 SFTP channel opened. 12:31:11.024 SFTP channel closed. SFTP request failed.

yawor commented 6 years ago

I'm also having a problem connecting using OpenSSH on Arch Linux. I'm getting: ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto

The same happens from a router running Debian Stretch.

This is strange, because the first time I've installed Lua-RTOS on my ESP32 board, I've played with WIFI and SSH and it worked properly. I then started with a fresh spiffs file system without enabling WIFI and SSH because I don't need them at this moment. Now I enabled them, waited for rsa and dss keys to be generated and now I'm getting this error. The root password is set.

mafrmt00 commented 6 years ago

It seems to be that a invalid configuration is not detected. I was able to connect via ssh, but only after I erased the board and flashed it new. But the key generation started only after a reset. The first net.service.ssh.start() did not work.

My Steps were: wcc -p COM3 erase wcc -p COM3 -f -ffs

LUA: passwd LUA: net.service.ssh.start() <- no success

Board: reset LUA: net.service.ssh.start() <- key generation and successful connection

yawor commented 6 years ago

@mafrmt00 you're right. It seems to be some kind of fs issue. I've erased the flash and started fresh and SSH now works.

elsbiet commented 5 years ago

i tried all of the above but still i get

ssh_dispatch_run_fatal: Connection to port 22: error in libcrypto

when trying to connect to my esp32 using ssh.

my client's linux environment:

Distributor ID: Debian Description: Debian GNU/Linux buster/sid Release: testing Codename: buster

ii openssh-client 1:7.9p1-4 amd64 secure shell (SSH) client, for secure access to remote machines

at least at my site ssh-server on esp32 seems to be unusable.

the0ne commented 5 years ago

@mafrmt00, @yawor and @elsbiet please enable outputting all log using os.loglevel(os.LOG_ALL) before starting the ssh server on the esp32. Then, please share the output.

What I could imagine is that the esp32 is rebooted - e.g. accidentally or by crash - while dropbear (which is the ssh-server compontent) is still generating it's key files during it's initial run. In that case you would have to delete the files using rm /etc/dropbear/dss_host_key and rm /etc/dropbear/rsa_host_key and then restart the ssh-server. Then wait until dropbear has finished generating it's key files before unpowering/crashing/resetting the board.

the0ne commented 5 years ago

@mafrmt00, @yawor and @elsbiet please provide feedback - thanks!

the0ne commented 5 years ago

@mafrmt00, @yawor and @elsbiet please provide feedback - thanks! Closing this issue until then.