whiteforce4 / Democracy4KoreanTranslation

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1.27 텍스트 변동사항 #39

Closed PARAdoxiBLE closed 3 years ago

PARAdoxiBLE commented 3 years ago

italy.txt 파일이 Democracy 4\translations\English\missions 경로에 추가됨

[config] name = italy guiname = "Italy" description = "Italy is a parliamentary republic with a multi-party system. Italy became a democracy in 1946, when the monarchy was abolished by popular referendum. Italy operates a a mixed system, with 37% of seats allocated using a first past the post electoral system and 61% using a proportional method, with one round of voting. As recently as 2019, due to frequent failures of coalitions, Italy was considered a flawed democracy." jobtitle = "President"

[stats] Population:= 60,461,826 people at mid 2020 according to UN data. Size:= 301,340 km²

Religion:= Catholic (69%), Eastern Orthodox (4%), Atheism and Agnostic (14%). Exports:= Machinery including computers, vehicles & parts, pharmaceuticals, electrical machinery, plastics, gems & precious metals, articles of iron or steel. World Leader:= Heritage (culture, history, food). The most UNECO sites. The world's largest wine producer. First country with compulsory climate change lessons for all children. Member of:= European Union, United Nations, NATO, OECD National obsessions:= Coffee, football, healthy Mediterranean diet, family.

(직접 파일 확인해볼 것)

policies.csv 마지막줄에 다음 내용이 추가됨

,co2campaign,CO2 Campaign,"Government can pass laws, and make spending plans, but it can also tackle the issue of Climate Change by actively urging its citizens to reduce their emissions voluntarily. A public information campaign can persuade citizens not to waste energy and to choose environmentally friendly products, means of transport and even to eat less meat."

situations.csv 마지막줄에 다음 내용이 추가됨


,MediaMonopolies,Media Monopoly,"The main news media used by a large section of the population is concentrated in the hands of a tiny number of massive, powerful conglomerates. These companies feel empowered to use the media to push their own political agendas and narratives, and the resultant push for ad revenue and clicks at all costs has resulted in a deterioration in the standard of journalism, and a more divided, polarized society. In seeking to monetize the news, the result is a rise in nationalism and the promotion of conservative values.",There has been a substantial concentration of media power in the hands of a few huge companies,The plurailty of the media has increased with the concentration of media in the hands of a few large companies coming to an end.

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whiteforce4 commented 3 years ago

리퀘스트 다 처리하고 해당 내용을 반영토록 하겠습니다

whiteforce4 commented 3 years ago

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