whitehathackers-klef / WhiteHat-HacktoberFest-2022

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Custom Password Manager. #4

Open whitehathackers-klef opened 1 year ago

whitehathackers-klef commented 1 year ago

Using any language, Create a password generator, password manager, and password checker.

A password generator is a tool that automatically generates a password based on guidelines that you set to create strong and unpredictable passwords for each of your accounts to boost online security.

A password manager allows individuals and businesses to save and manage all their passwords from one safe space. ( use a database to store these passwords in a hashed format and master password to decrypt and encrypt the passwords ).

The password checker program checks if a password is valid or not based on the password policies. ( Check if the password is strong, for example, 8-14 characters, including numerical, special, upper case, and lower case characters ).

Difficulty: High

ArnabSen1 commented 1 year ago

@Bobliuuu please assign me to this