whitequark / ipaddr.js

IP address manipulation library in JavaScript
MIT License
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Ipv4 match range error #139

Closed sunsjgit closed 4 years ago

sunsjgit commented 4 years ago

node version : 10.16.3 ipaddr.js version: 1.9.1

      const range = ipaddr.IPv4.parseCIDR('');
      const ip = ipaddr.IPv4.parse('');

      console(ip.match(range, 32));


  TypeError: other.kind is not a function
      at IPv4.ipaddr.IPv4.IPv4.match (D:\GMYM\nodejsworkspace\gm-data-agency\node_modules\ipaddr.js\lib\ipaddr.js:92:17)
sunsjgit commented 4 years ago

I solved the problem using the following methods

var range = ipaddr.parseCIDR('');
var ip = ipaddr.process('');
var result = ip.match(range);