whitequark / ipaddr.js

IP address manipulation library in JavaScript
MIT License
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Looking for a new maintainer #169

Closed whitequark closed 3 months ago

whitequark commented 1 year ago

I haven't had any use for this package for a long time and passive maintenance doesn't seem to be cutting it anymore. I am looking for a new maintainer.

josh-cain commented 1 year ago

Hey @whitequark 👋 ! I'd be happy to help, as I'm a downstream consumer of this library. Let me know what you're looking for and what's involved, happy to chat about it.

whitequark commented 1 year ago

Take a look through the recent active issues and let me know what you think and how you'd approach this.

josh-cain commented 1 year ago

Looks like many are somewhat old, but I'll start by picking up #65 , as it will afford me a chance to get to know parts of the API I might not be as familiar with. Will go from there as I get familiar and can pick up more issues 👍 .

Uzlopak commented 10 months ago


I am currently investigating this package for potential performance improvements. And I saw that you search for maintainers. So I was looking in the open issues and saw #167. Maybe it makes sense to explain why you closed AND locked the discussion of #167. Kind of harsh reaction.

I answered the question of the user properly. The dev wanted to know if it is possible to write IPs as numbers. And I wanted to write a function to transform the IPv4 to long integer, and yeah... co-pilot spit that function out. And before I waste my time to implement a high performance solution, for a problem I dont have, i copy pasted it to my comment and credited correctly to co-pilot. (not that somebody thinks, that I use .reduce ;) But I handcrafted the long integer to IPv4 function which also helps to understand the transformation better, and the explaination on how to store the IP was imho my own thoughts.

So yeah,it is your realm here. But a little bit more lenience would be nice.

whitequark commented 10 months ago

I am opposed to use of Copilot and the culture that it brings. I am perfectly happy to pass over people who encourage its use. I locked the discussion as I am not interested in debating it.

whitequark commented 3 months ago

In light of the xz vulnerability the request is withdrawn. Downstream users will simply learn to live with however much time I can dedicate.

arty-name commented 1 week ago

Shall this issue be unpinned then?