whitequark / parser

A Ruby parser.
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Syntax error on heredoc inside block indented with tabs #989

Closed bquorning closed 6 months ago

bquorning commented 6 months ago

An error report in rubocop-rspec led me all the way via rubocop-ast into this gem. I wrote the following test case for test/test_parser.rb, and it fails (seemingly in all ruby versions and not just 3.3.0 as in the linked issue) with Parser::SyntaxError: (2.3) unterminated string meets end of file

  def test_parser_of_heredoc_inside_block_with_tab_indentation
        s(:send, nil, :foo),
        s(:str, "bar\n")),
      %Q{foo do!\t<<~DESC!\t\tbar!\tDESC!end}.gsub('!', "\n"),
AlexWayfer commented 6 months ago

With Ruby 3.2 RuboCop gives such output (not breaking itself at least):

> bundle exec rubocop
Inspecting 8 files


lib/static_files_toys/template.rb:10:18: F: Lint/Syntax: unterminated string meets end of file
(Using Ruby 3.0 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)
        GREP_OPTIONS = <<~STR.chomp
static_files_toys.gemspec:12:23: F: Lint/Syntax: unterminated string meets end of file
(Using Ruby 3.0 parser; configure using TargetRubyVersion parameter, under AllCops)
    spec.description   = <<~DESC

8 files inspected, 2 offenses detected
iliabylich commented 6 months ago

Thanks for reporting, that's definitely a regression introduced in, I'll make a fix soon.

AlexWayfer commented 6 months ago

I can confirm that version fixes the problem. Great thank you.

iliabylich commented 6 months ago

parser has been released (and it seems to fix the issue, thanks @AlexWayfer )

bquorning commented 6 months ago

Thank you for the quick fix ❤️