whitesource / unified-agent-distribution

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Publish an updated version on a Maven repo #9

Closed hakanai closed 3 years ago

hakanai commented 3 years ago

As is almost needless to say, projects wishing to use a tool would have a better time integrating if the tool were available on a Maven repository.

The latest version of wss-unified-agent available on a Maven repository is 19.7.3, published in 2019:


This version is actually missing 3/4 of the contents of the jar, rendering it unusable. The current version available on this repo, though, does work, and should probably be published to the Maven repo, Otherwise, it's inconvenient for projects to actually get the jar and use it.

annarozin commented 3 years ago

The unified agent is no longer published to mvn repo

hakanai commented 3 years ago

Hence why the ticket was filed, asking for it to be published.

hakanai commented 3 years ago

You do know that GitHub can act as a Maven repository, right? Even just making sure to publish it there would be much better than publishing it nowhere.

BTW, congrats in taking three months to reply to a ticket and then closing it with no explanation other than repeating what I had already said in the original report.

LenaKleyner commented 3 years ago

Hi @hakanai,

Sorry for the inconvenience and the late response. My name is Lena, I'm the Product Owner of the Unified Agent and will be happy to assist. The Unified Agent has been closed source since the beginning of 2019, therefore we stopped publishing it to Maven Central. In addition, we have deprecated all of our old plugins in favor of the Unified Agent, which has full parity with them, in addition to a wider set of capabilities. I'd be happy to have a quick walkthrough.

hakanai commented 3 years ago

We know how to run the unified agent.

The thing is, though, we still have to integrate the thing into Gradle, because that's how the software is built. So the only result is that we're forced to write our own plugin to do it. Many other users are likely forced to react in the same way, so all this really equates to is a few hours of wasted time multiplied by howevery many people are trying to use the tool. Would it not be more efficient for WhiteSource to develop the Gradle plugin and save all this time? Unless the number of people using the software is diminishingly small.

hakanai commented 3 years ago

(Additionally, I don't think that something going closed source necessarily means that you have to make it annoying to use!)

LenaKleyner commented 3 years ago

I'm sorry for the inconvenience. It's definitely not designed to be annoying and I'd be happy to work with you to change that. As mentioned, the Unified Agent is not an open-source project. With that being said, I would like to understand better the suggested options to make the tool easier to use.

hakanai commented 2 years ago

The agent itself need not be an open source project, but the company should provide an API to run the agent and an open source core library to use the API. Then a Gradle plugin uses that API and gives as minimalistic an interface as possible for the end user, perhaps with configuration variable specifying the server to get the agent from.

LenaKleyner commented 2 years ago

@hakanai, thanks for this information. This is not exactly the direction we are taking at the moment but we can consider other approaches as well. Will using GitHub as a Maven repository (as outlined here) fit your needs?

hakanai commented 2 years ago

A lot of the commercial jars we depend on self-host. This would be the first one on GitHub but I suspect it should work. It should be mirrorable like most repos.