I have some .cgi scripts set up that you call with the code of the river that you want and the time period and interval and it spits back data in json format if that would help, Daithí
Data can be fetched from www.riverspy.net/levels.cgi?river=20015&start=1687334400&end=1687420800&step=900 where start and end are unix timestamps, 900 seconds is 15min interval and river is the EPA code of the station you can get by clicking Table at https://epawebapp.epa.ie/hydronet/#Water%20Levels
The json is tailored for what is expected by a script called highcharts that I use to generate the graphs but I could tailor it if you need something different.
Riverspy: I have some .cgi scripts set up that you call with the code of the river that you want and the time period and interval and it spits back data in json format if that would help, Daithí
Data can be fetched from www.riverspy.net/levels.cgi?river=20015&start=1687334400&end=1687420800&step=900 where start and end are unix timestamps, 900 seconds is 15min interval and river is the EPA code of the station you can get by clicking Table at https://epawebapp.epa.ie/hydronet/#Water%20Levels
The json is tailored for what is expected by a script called highcharts that I use to generate the graphs but I could tailor it if you need something different.
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