I am having issues with the MakeDiploidFSTMat() function. I am keep getting the above error even though the numbers seem to line up in my files. I generated the .geno file in PGDSpider. I have the same number of individuals in the .ind file as columns in the SNPmat and loci in the .snp file as rows.
Im sure it's something dumb I am missing but would love some help!
I am having issues with the MakeDiploidFSTMat() function. I am keep getting the above error even though the numbers seem to line up in my files. I generated the .geno file in PGDSpider. I have the same number of individuals in the .ind file as columns in the SNPmat and loci in the .snp file as rows.
Im sure it's something dumb I am missing but would love some help!
This is the code I have been using:
SNPmat <- read.table("LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-v2.txt", header=FALSE)
ind <- read.table("LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-ind.txt", header = FALSE)
locus <- read.table("LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-snp.txt", header = FALSE)
MakeDiploidFSTMat(SNPmat = SNPmat, locusNames = locus$V1, popNames = ind$V3
I have attached the files as well.
Thanks in advance!
LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-snp.txt LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-ind.txt LocalAdaptation-m3M1n1r50-SK-Ecozones-v2.txt