whitlock / OutFLANK

A procedure to find Fst outliers based on an inferred distribution of neutral Fst
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Error in allele frequency output in `WC_FST_Diploids_2Alleles' #28

Open akijarl opened 3 years ago

akijarl commented 3 years ago


I found a minor bug in the WC_FST_Diploids_2Alleles function. Presently the p_freqs object tallies the homozygous absent counts (Sample_Mat[, 1], instead of Sample_Mat[, 3]), along with half the heterozygotes to tabulate the meanAlleleFreq output. Here's an example of the Sample_Mat object layout:

> Sample_Mat
     0    1    2
1  701 1595 2704
2 4524  180  296

So the meanAlleleFreq output is actually tallying up the frequency of the ancestral, or REF, alleles, instead of the the derived, or ALT, alleles. This leads to a meanAlleleFreq value that's 1-p if you're interested in the ALT allele frequency. I highlighted the change in the function below with #'s.

WC_FST_Diploids_2Alleles <- function (Sample_Mat) 
  sample_sizes = rowSums(Sample_Mat)
  n_ave = mean(sample_sizes)
  n_pops = nrow(Sample_Mat)
  r = n_pops
  n_c = (n_pops * n_ave - sum(sample_sizes^2)/(n_pops * n_ave))/(n_pops - 1)
  p_freqs = (Sample_Mat[, 3] + Sample_Mat[, 2]/2)/sample_sizes ### changed this - was Sample_Mat[, 1] which is hom. absent, instead of hom. present
  p_ave = sum(sample_sizes * p_freqs)/(n_ave * n_pops)
  s2 = sum(sample_sizes * (p_freqs - p_ave)^2)/((n_pops - 1) * n_ave)
  if (s2 == 0) {
  h_freqs = Sample_Mat[, 2]/sample_sizes
  h_ave = sum(sample_sizes * h_freqs)/(n_ave * n_pops)
  a <- n_ave/n_c * (s2 - 1/(n_ave - 1) * (p_ave * (1 - p_ave) - ((r - 1)/r) * s2 - (1/4) * h_ave))
  b <- n_ave/(n_ave - 1) * (p_ave * (1 - p_ave) - (r - 1)/r * s2 - (2 * n_ave - 1)/(4 * n_ave) * h_ave)
  c <- 1/2 * h_ave
  aNoCorr <- n_ave/n_c * (s2)
  bNoCorr <- (p_ave * (1 - p_ave) - (r - 1)/r * s2 - (2 * n_ave)/(4 * n_ave) * h_ave)
  cNoCorr <- 1/2 * h_ave
  He <- 1 - sum(p_ave^2, (1 - p_ave)^2)
  FST <- a/(a + b + c)
  FSTNoCorr = aNoCorr/(aNoCorr + bNoCorr + cNoCorr)
  return(list(He = He, FST = FST, T1 = a, T2 = (a + b + c), FSTNoCorr = FSTNoCorr, T1NoCorr = aNoCorr, T2NoCorr = (aNoCorr + bNoCorr + cNoCorr), meanAlleleFreq = p_ave))