whittlem / pycryptobot

Python Crypto Bot (PyCryptoBot)
Apache License 2.0
1.96k stars 736 forks source link

Buying not happening #685

Closed subbu52 closed 1 year ago

subbu52 commented 2 years ago

Describe the bug Buying is not happening with below configuration. Tried for hours but no luck. any help with config.json file is appreciated.

config.json :

"coinbasepro": { "api_url": "https://api.pro.coinbase.com", "api_key_file": "coinbasepro.key", "config" : { "autorestart": 1, "base_currency": "SHIB", "disablebullonly": 1, "disablebuyelderray": 1, "disablebuyema": 0, "disablebuymacd": 0, "disablebuynearhigh": 1, "disablebuyobv": 1, "disablefailsafefibonaccilow": 1, "disablelog": 0, "disabletracker": 1, "disableprofitbankreversal": 0, "enableinsufficientfundslogging": 1, "enabletelegrambotcontrol": 0, "live": 1, "logbuysellinjson": 1, "nobuynearhighpcnt": 4, "nosellmaxpcnt": 3, "nosellminpcnt": -3, "quote_currency": "USD", "sellatloss": 1, "sellatresistance": 0, "selllowerpcnt": -12, "trailingbuypcnt": 1, "trailingstoploss": -1.5, "trailingstoplosstrigger": 6, "websocket": 0 } }


terminal output:

                         Python Crypto Bot                               |

| Release : v6.0.0 |

| Bot Mode : LIVE - live trades using your funds! | | Bot Started : 2022-03-22 14:10:54.387212 | | Exchange : coinbasepro |

| Sell Lower : -12.0% --selllowerpcnt | | No Sell Max : 3.0% --nosellmaxpcnt | | No Sell Min : -3.0% --nosellminpcnt | | Trailing Stop Loss : -1.5% --trailingstoploss | | Trailing Stop Loss Trg : 6.0% --trailingstoplosstrigger | | Sell At Loss : True --sellatloss | | Sell At Resistance : False --sellatresistance | | Trade Bull Only : False --disablebullonly | | Allow Buy Near High : False --disablebuynearhigh | | No Buy Near High Pcnt : 4.0% --nobuynearhighpcnt | | Use Buy MACD : True --disablebuymacd | | Use Buy EMA : True --disablebuyema | | Use Buy OBV : False --disablebuyobv | | Use Buy Elder-Ray : False --disablebuyelderray | | Sell Fibonacci Low : False --disablefailsafefibonaccilow | | Sell Lower Pcnt : True --disablefailsafelowerpcnt | | Candlestick Reversal : True --disableprofitbankreversal | | Telegram : True --disabletelegram | | Telegram trades only : False --telegramtradesonly | | Telegram error msgs : True --disabletelegramerrormsgs | | Log : True --disablelog | | Tracker : False --disabletracker | | Auto restart Bot : True --autorestart | | Web Socket : False --websocket | | Insufficient Funds Log : True --enableinsufficientfundslogging | | Log Buy and Sell order : True --logbuysellinjson | | Trailing Buy Percent : 1.0 --trailingbuypcnt |

smart switch from granularity 3600 (1 hour) to 900 (15 min) 2022-03-22 18:00:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.358e-05 | ^ EMA12/26: 0.00002 > 0.00002 ^ | v MACD: 0.00000 < 0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.535e-05 | DF LOW: 2.139e-05 | SWING: 18.51% | CURR Price is -6.98% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-10 07:00:00 <--> 2022-03-22 18:00:00 2022-03-22 18:11:56 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.357e-05 | -7.02% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:33:25 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.351e-05 | -7.26% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:34:25 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.351e-05 | -7.26% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:35:26 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.354e-05 | -7.14% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:36:29 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.354e-05 | -7.14% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:37:31 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.353e-05 | -7.18% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:38:31 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.355e-05 | -7.1% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:39:32 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.355e-05 | -7.1% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:40:35 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.353e-05 | -7.18% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:41:37 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.353e-05 | -7.18% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:42:38 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.354e-05 | -7.14% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:43:41 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.355e-05 | -7.1% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:44:42 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.355e-05 | -7.1% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:45:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.354e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | v MACD: -0.00000 < -0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.74% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:00:00 <--> 2022-03-22 18:45:00 2022-03-22 18:30:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.355e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | v MACD: -0.00000 < -0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.535e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.87% | CURR Price is -7.1% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 15:45:00 <--> 2022-03-22 18:30:00 2022-03-22 18:45:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.354e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | v MACD: -0.00000 < -0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.74% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:00:00 <--> 2022-03-22 18:45:00 2022-03-22 18:48:47 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.354e-05 | -6.74% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:49:49 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.355e-05 | -6.7% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:50:49 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.356e-05 | -6.66% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:51:50 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.357e-05 | -6.62% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:52:53 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.357e-05 | -6.62% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:53:49 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.357e-05 | -6.62% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:54:54 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.357e-05 | -6.62% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:55:55 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.358e-05 | -6.58% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:56:58 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.36e-05 | -6.5% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:57:58 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.359e-05 | -6.54% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 18:59:03 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.36e-05 | -6.5% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:00:03 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.359e-05 | -6.54% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:00:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.36e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | v MACD: -0.00000 < -0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.5% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:15:00 <--> 2022-03-22 19:00:00 2022-03-22 18:45:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.36e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | v MACD: -0.00000 < -0.00000 v | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.5% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:00:00 <--> 2022-03-22 18:45:00 2022-03-22 19:00:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.363e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | ^ MACD: -0.00000 > -0.00000 ^ | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.38% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:15:00 <--> 2022-03-22 19:00:00 2022-03-22 19:04:10 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.364e-05 | -6.34% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:05:10 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.364e-05 | -6.34% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:06:12 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.363e-05 | -6.38% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:07:14 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.363e-05 | -6.38% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:08:15 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.368e-05 | -6.18% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:09:15 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.369e-05 | -6.14% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:10:18 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.367e-05 | -6.22% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:11:22 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.367e-05 | -6.22% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:12:24 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.369e-05 | -6.14% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:13:24 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.371e-05 | -6.06% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:14:25 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.371e-05 | -6.06% from DF HIGH 2022-03-22 19:15:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.37e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | ^ MACD: -0.00000 > -0.00000 ^ | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.1% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:30:00 <--> 2022-03-22 19:15:00 2022-03-22 19:00:00 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Close: 2.371e-05 | v EMA12/26: 0.00002 < 0.00002 v | ^ MACD: -0.00000 > -0.00000 ^ | WAIT | Last Action: SELL | DF HIGH: 2.524e-05 | DF LOW: 2.246e-05 | SWING: 12.38% | CURR Price is -6.06% away from DF HIGH | Range: 2022-03-19 16:15:00 <--> 2022-03-22 19:00:00 2022-03-22 19:17:32 | SHIB-USD | 900 | Current Price: 2.372e-05 | -6.02% from DF HIGH

whittlem commented 1 year ago

A new major version was released this year. Please upgrade to v7.0.34 or later and if you are still having a problem, raise an issue.