A term cannot be at the same time a synonym and a narrower term. We need to provide a specialized form widget that will prevent a term from being synonym and narrower term at the same time. In the current iCAT, this is done using a radio-button, but other approaches that achieve the same goal are fine. Here is an example from the current iCAT:
The widget should also support the deletion of a term, marking it as an inclusion term, and deprecating a term.
A term cannot be at the same time a synonym and a narrower term. We need to provide a specialized form widget that will prevent a term from being synonym and narrower term at the same time. In the current iCAT, this is done using a radio-button, but other approaches that achieve the same goal are fine. Here is an example from the current iCAT:
The widget should also support the deletion of a term, marking it as an inclusion term, and deprecating a term.