whoenig / crazyflie_ros

ROS Driver for Bitcraze Crazyflie
MIT License
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No Crazyflie over USB found while running (Crazyflie_tools scan) #72

Closed cheikhnasy closed 6 years ago

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello , I am trying to use my crazyflie with ROS. When i run the command "rosrun crazyflie_tools scan " i detect the radio but not the crazyflie.all my rules files are set in place. What could be the problem?

Note: i am able to control my crazyflie using the virtual machine provided by bitcraze .

Thank You in advance for all your help!

whoenig commented 6 years ago
  1. Do you have a rules file for the Crazyflie itself (i.e. SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5740", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev")?
  2. Are you using the latest master branch? The USB support was just recently pushed (it was part of a different branch before).
cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello Whoenig, yes i have a rules file for the Crazyflie itself. I am also using the latest master branch

screenshot from 2017-10-16 00 34 31.

Thank you for your help!

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello, i just noticed that i detect my crazyflie when i run the "crazyflie_tools scan" command with my crazyflie physically connected to my computer via a usb cable. could it be a matter of permission?

Thank you!

whoenig commented 6 years ago

Did you change the address of your CF? The scan tool can only find CFs with a known address (run crazyflie_tools scan --help for details on how to set the address. If you don't know the address, connect over USB and run the original CF client. Connect to the CF and select Configure 2.0 in the menu.

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello whoenig , I did not change any address. it is still the same one 0XE7E7E7E7E7 .

whoenig commented 6 years ago

And you can find the CF and connect to it using the official python client?

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Yes ! screenshot from 2017-10-17 15 49 39

whoenig commented 6 years ago

This is very strange indeed. Could you try any of the other tools that require a known uri? For example, rosrun crazyflie_tools listParams --uri radio://0/80/250K.

I don't think it can be a permission issue (otherwise it wouldn't be able to find the radio either).

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello Whoenig,

I have tried other tools and they didn't work . Then, i connected my crazyflie to my iphone via bluetooth and now i can't any more find or connect it via the python client .is there any way to reset it? (sorry for the late answer and sorry for my poor english)


ataffanel commented 6 years ago

You can connect the Crazyflie to the python client using the USB port, this way you will be able to reconfigure the radio channel, datarate and address.

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Thank you so much ataffanel ! it is working ,yet i can't still connect it using ROS, it looks dumb but can you tell me how i should exactly install the packages on my computer ? i use Indigo


whoenig commented 6 years ago

There is a tutorial in the following book chapter: W. Hönig and N. Ayanian. "Flying Multiple UAVs Using ROS", Chapter in Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference (Volume 2), Springer, 2017. You can find a pre-print at http://act.usc.edu/publications.html

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Hello whoenig ,

sorry again for the late answer ! I followed the tutorial and tried other tools who worked , i just have a problem with the tool "scan".I am totally lost actually, do you have any other suggestion for me ?

regards . screenshot from 2017-10-27 13 29 06

whoenig commented 6 years ago

I am not sure what the problem is? It found your crazyflie (radio://0/100/250K) correctly. The other message just notes that you don't have a Crazyflie directly attached using a USB cable.

cheikhnasy commented 6 years ago

Thank you for the quick answer , i just attached the crazyflie and as you can see ,i can detect it when physically attached! i will try on another computer and let you know when it works. screenshot from 2017-10-27 13 49 51

The-SS commented 6 years ago

Hi. I have a similar problem. When I run rosrun crazyflie_tools scan I get the following:

Found Crazyradio with version 99.55
No Crazyflie over USB found.

Even after flashing the cf firmware following this and upgrading the crazyradio firmware following this, I still get the same issue. I checked my 99-crazyflie.rules file and it has the following content:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5740", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"

When I run rosrun crazyflie_tools listParams --uri radio://0/80/2M/E7E7E7E701, I get the following output:

cpu.flash (uint16, readonly)
cpu.id0 (uint32, readonly)
cpu.id1 (uint32, readonly)
cpu.id2 (uint32, readonly)
system.selftestPassed (int8)
flightmode.althold (uint8)
flightmode.poshold (uint8)
flightmode.posSet (uint8)
flightmode.yawMode (uint8)
flightmode.yawRst (uint8)
flightmode.stabModeRoll (uint8)
flightmode.stabModePitch (uint8)
flightmode.stabModeYaw (uint8)
cmdrCPPM.rateRoll (float)
cmdrCPPM.ratePitch (float)
cmdrCPPM.rateYaw (float)
cmdrCPPM.angRoll (float)
cmdrCPPM.angPitch (float)
locSrv.enRangeStreamFP32 (uint8)
pid_rate.roll_kp (float)
pid_rate.roll_ki (float)
pid_rate.roll_kd (float)
pid_rate.pitch_kp (float)
pid_rate.pitch_ki (float)
pid_rate.pitch_kd (float)
pid_rate.yaw_kp (float)
pid_rate.yaw_ki (float)
pid_rate.yaw_kd (float)
pid_attitude.roll_kp (float)
pid_attitude.roll_ki (float)
pid_attitude.roll_kd (float)
pid_attitude.pitch_kp (float)
pid_attitude.pitch_ki (float)
pid_attitude.pitch_kd (float)
pid_attitude.yaw_kp (float)
pid_attitude.yaw_ki (float)
pid_attitude.yaw_kd (float)
sensorfusion6.kp (float)
sensorfusion6.ki (float)
sensorfusion6.baseZacc (float)
posEst.estAlphaAsl (float)
posEst.estAlphaZr (float)
posEst.velFactor (float)
posEst.velZAlpha (float)
posEst.vAccDeadband (float)
velCtlPid.vxKp (float)
velCtlPid.vxKi (float)
velCtlPid.vxKd (float)
velCtlPid.vyKp (float)
velCtlPid.vyKi (float)
velCtlPid.vyKd (float)
velCtlPid.vzKp (float)
velCtlPid.vzKi (float)
velCtlPid.vzKd (float)
posCtlPid.xKp (float)
posCtlPid.xKi (float)
posCtlPid.xKd (float)
posCtlPid.yKp (float)
posCtlPid.yKi (float)
posCtlPid.yKd (float)
posCtlPid.zKp (float)
posCtlPid.zKi (float)
posCtlPid.zKd (float)
posCtlPid.thrustBase (uint16)
posCtlPid.thrustMin (uint16)
posCtlPid.rpLimit (float)
posCtlPid.xyVelMax (float)
posCtlPid.zVelMax (float)
controller.tiltComp (uint8)
motorPowerSet.enable (uint8)
motorPowerSet.m1 (uint16)
motorPowerSet.m2 (uint16)
motorPowerSet.m3 (uint16)
motorPowerSet.m4 (uint16)
firmware.revision0 (uint32, readonly)
firmware.revision1 (uint16, readonly)
firmware.modified (uint8, readonly)
imu_tests.MPU6500 (uint8, readonly)
imu_tests.HMC5883L (uint8, readonly)
imu_tests.MS5611 (uint8, readonly)
imu_sensors.HMC5883L (uint8, readonly)
imu_sensors.MS5611 (uint8, readonly)
sound.effect (uint8)
sound.neffect (uint32, readonly)
sound.freq (uint16)
sound.ratio (uint8)
system.taskDump (uint8)
ring.effect (uint8)
ring.neffect (uint32, readonly)
ring.solidRed (uint8)
ring.solidGreen (uint8)
ring.solidBlue (uint8)
ring.headlightEnable (uint8)
ring.glowstep (float)
ring.emptyCharge (float)
ring.fullCharge (float)
anchorpos.anchor0x (float)
anchorpos.anchor0y (float)
anchorpos.anchor0z (float)
anchorpos.anchor1x (float)
anchorpos.anchor1y (float)
anchorpos.anchor1z (float)
anchorpos.anchor2x (float)
anchorpos.anchor2y (float)
anchorpos.anchor2z (float)
anchorpos.anchor3x (float)
anchorpos.anchor3y (float)
anchorpos.anchor3z (float)
anchorpos.anchor4x (float)
anchorpos.anchor4y (float)
anchorpos.anchor4z (float)
anchorpos.anchor5x (float)
anchorpos.anchor5y (float)
anchorpos.anchor5z (float)
anchorpos.enable (uint8)

So, crazyflie_tools listParams works, but crazyflie_tools scan does not not return the connected crazyflie. What could be the issue?

whoenig commented 6 years ago

The scan tool can only find crazyflies with known address (it scans for datarate and channel). Use rosrun crazyflie_tools scan --address E7E7E7E701 instead. If you don't know the address of your CF, connect it using a uUSB cable and check the configuration using the Bitcraze Python Client.

The-SS commented 6 years ago

I ran rosrun crazyflie_tools scan --address E7E7E7E701 and got the following output

Found Crazyradio with version 99.55
No Crazyflie over USB found.

So, the crazyflie was found, yet No Crazyflie over USB found is still being printed out?

whoenig commented 6 years ago

This just means that you didn't connect a CF using a physical USB cable. If you would attach your CF to your computer using a micro USB cable, this message would go away and it would tell you the uri (usb://0 I believe) instead.

The-SS commented 6 years ago

I have the CF connected via a USB cable and yet I'm getting that output.

whoenig commented 6 years ago

You will need a different rules file for the operation over USB. You can find instructions in W. Hönig and N. Ayanian. "Flying Multiple UAVs Using ROS", Chapter in Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference (Volume 2), Springer, 2017, pages 5 and 6 in the preprint available at http://act.usc.edu/publications.html.

The-SS commented 6 years ago

I've done everything as explained in your reference. I have two rules files: 99-crazyflie.rules and 99-crazyradio.rules. 99-crazyradio.rules contains the following:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1915", ATTRS{idProduct}=="7777", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"
SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="1915", ATTRS{idProduct}=="0101", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugde

99-crazyflie.rules contains the following:

SUBSYSTEM=="usb", ATTRS{idVendor}=="0483", ATTRS{idProduct}=="5740", MODE="0664", GROUP="plugdev"

Both files have the the same content as those specified in your reference (W. Hönig and N. Ayanian. "Flying Multiple UAVs Using ROS", Chapter in Robot Operating System (ROS): The Complete Reference (Volume 2), Springer, 2017, pages 5 and 6). I reloaded the udev rules, logged out and back in, and ran the same command again with the crazyradio connected, yet I still got the message No Crazyflie over USB found..

What should I do about that? And does this affect the operation of crazyswarm or crazyflie_ros since the cf won't be connected via USB?

whoenig commented 6 years ago

You could try rebooting, just in case. Also, check using lsusb if your Crazyflie shows up and has the specified vendor and product id.

This shouldn't affect any of the other functionality.

whoenig commented 6 years ago

I pushed a fix that improves the output of the scan tool. Verbose output can now be enabled using the -v flag and is disabled by default.