whole-cell-tutors / whole-cell-reduced

the reduced model developed in salt lake city
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translation using simplified rate law #4

Closed jtyurkovich closed 9 years ago

jtyurkovich commented 9 years ago

Since min( ) is currently up in the air, translation is using a simplified rate law; needs to be addressed once solution for min( ) is decided

binfalse commented 9 years ago

It's basically this line, isn't it? https://github.com/whole-cell-tutors/whole-cell-reduced/blob/1371a2c17e3cd1a1abcb28f9a34a0e9ca805edff/Translation/translation.py#L246

To get that running we just need to fix that line, uncomment the corresponding function and remove the function after. Is that correct?

den2042 commented 9 years ago

Yes this is correct. I've added comments to make it more clear in the code. Of note, function Make_kinetic_law_string_Translation (which is commented out) acts as if min function exists in SBML as min