whole-tale / dashboard

Whole Tale Dashboard
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Added asTale support to create-tale-modal #548

Closed bodom0015 closed 4 years ago

bodom0015 commented 4 years ago


The new create-tale-modal does not handle importing with the asTAle option enabled. This flag tells the Girder worker to import data directly into the newly-created Tale's Workspace, instead of registering it as External Data.

Fixed #547


Added support for the asTale query string parameter. Pass this parameter through to the API call for POST /tale/import, and make sure we clear it from the address bar when we clear the others.

How to Test

  1. Checkout and run this branch locally, rebuild the dashboard
  2. Login to the WholeTale Dashboard
  3. Navigate directly to https://dashboard.local.wholetale.org/browse?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdataverse.harvard.edu%2Fdataset.xhtml%3FpersistentId%3Ddoi%3A10.7910%2FDVN%2F3MJ7IR&name=Replication+Data+for%3A+"Agricultural+Fires+and+Health+at+Birth&asTale=True
    • Note the asTale=True query string parameter
  4. Open your Developer Console to the Networks tab
  5. Choose an environment and submit the form
  6. Check the Networks tab and search for the import API call
    • You should see that the asTale=true parameter was passed through to the API call
  7. Wait a couple of minutes for the Tale import to complete
  8. Navigate to Run > Files for the newly-imported Tale
    • You should see that Run > Files > Tale Workspace is populated with data
    • You should see that Run > Files > External Data is empty