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Test results for WholeTale v0.7.0rc3 (Firefox) #85

Closed ThomasThelen closed 5 years ago

ThomasThelen commented 5 years ago

This is the Firefox counterpart to #84










[ ] Read-only Tale

  1. Login as User A
    1. Create a new Tale A
    2. Add file and folder to Workspace
    3. Set to public
  2. Login as User B
    1. Launch Tale A
    2. Go to Browse, confirm delete "x" not available on Tale
    3. Go to old Tale view, confirm delete button not present
    4. Go to Run > Files > Tale Workspace
    5. Confirm that files/folders are listed
    6. Confirm "+" button disabled
    7. Confirm dropdown on folder and file only allow "Copy to Home" and "Download"
    8. Go to Run > Interact
    9. Confirm that you cannot delete a file/folder via environment UI or terminal
    10. Confirm that you cannot create a file/folder via environment UI or terminal
    11. Go to Run > Metadata
    12. Confirm that you cannot modify the tale metadata

Analyze in Whole Tale

Task 1: Importing a Dataset from Dataverse

These test cases cover potential situations that can occur when importing datasets from Dataverse.

Testing Steps:

  1. Remove all running Tale instances
  2. Navigate to https://girder.stage.wholetale.org/api/v1/integration/dataverse?fileId=3323458&siteUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdataverse.harvard.edu
  3. Confirm that the Tale title reads as Replication Data for: "Agricultural Fires and Health at Birth"
  4. Confirm that the only item in the Selected data section matches the uri with Data Source appended
  5. Confirm that no environment is selected
  6. Confirm that the Launch New Tale button is disabled
  7. Select an environment
  8. Click Launch New Tale
  9. Confirm that the progress bar appears & properly updates
  10. Confirm that once complete, you are redirected to the run page
  11. Confirm that the Tale name matches the Tale Name in the compose page
  12. Confirm that the data exists in the Tale

Task 2: Importing a Dataset from DataONE

These test cases cover different scenarios that may happen when importing datasets from DataONE.

This test covers the ideal case where dataset importing has all of the needed information to properly run. This includes the dataset location, title, and selected environment.

Testing Steps:

  1. Remove all running Tale instances
  2. Navigate to https://girder.stage.wholetale.org/api/v1/integration/dataone?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fsearch.dataone.org%2Fview%2Fdoi%3A10.18739%2FA2VQ2S94D&title=Fire%20influences%20on%20forest%20recovery%20and%20associated%20climate%20feedbacks%20in%20Siberian%20Larch%20Forests%2C%20Russia&environment=RStudio
  3. Confirm that the Tale title reads as Fire influences on forest recovery and associated climate feedbacks in Siberian Larch Forests, Russia
  4. Confirm that the only item in the Selected data section matches the uri with Data Source appended
  5. Confirm that Rstudio is selected in the Environments widget
  6. Confirm that the Launch New Tale button is enabled
  7. Click Launch New Tale
  8. Confirm that the progress bar appears & properly updates
  9. Confirm that once complete, you are redirected to the run page
  10. Confirm that the Tale name matches the Tale Name in the compose page
  11. Confirm that the data exists in the Tale

Task 3: Shared Behavior

These cases show errors that are common between Dataverse and DataONE. Although they are tested using DataONE URIs, the errors should be the same when replacing it with a Dataverse URI.

The test covers the case where the dataset location is missing as a query parameter. This query parameter is used to let the UI know that we're importing a dataset/Tale. If it is missing, the default Compose page should be observed.

Testing Steps:

  1. Remove all running Tale instances
  2. Navigate to https://dashboard.stage.wholetale.org/compose?uri=
  3. Confirm that the Tale title is blank
  4. Confirm that the Selected data section is blank
  5. Confirm that no environment is selected
  6. Confirm that the Launch New Tale button is disabled

This test covers the case where the name query parameter is missing. The expected behavior is that the uri query parameter is used instead.

Testing Steps:

  1. Remove all running Tale instances
  2. Navigate to https://dashboard.stage.wholetale.org/compose?uri=https%3A%2F%2Fdataverse.harvard.edu%2Fapi%2Faccess%2Fdatafile%2F3323458
  3. Confirm that the Tale title reads as https://dataverse.harvard.edu/api/access/datafile/3323458
  4. Confirm that the only item in the Selected data section matches the uri with Data Source appended
  5. Confirm that no Environment is selected
  6. Confirm that the Launch New Tale button is disabled
  7. Select an environment
  8. Click Launch New Tale
  9. Confirm that the progress bar appears & properly updates
  10. Confirm that once complete, you are redirected to the run page
  11. Confirm that the Tale name matches the Tale Name in the compose page
  12. Confirm that the data exists in the Tale

Tale metadata tests

The purpose of these tests are to confirm that the metadata files (manifest.json, environment.json, LICENSE) we generate are correct.

Publishing tests

Regression tests

ThomasThelen commented 5 years ago

Test Results:

  1. Fullscreen browse on Firefox cuts off the bottom (Browse > General)
  2. Redirect failure on Tale delete; noted in Chrome tests (Browse > View tale)
  3. Registered Datasets don't auto populate Data (needs page refresh. Seen with 10.5065/D6862DM8) (Manage > Register DataONE data)
  4. Error registering Dataverse (doi:10.7910/DVN/SZ9YXZ) (Manage > Dataverse)
  5. License, Environment, & description can be modified (but not saved) on a read-only Tale
  6. Copy to Home missing from Workspace

Misc Issues:

Test Update Doc (Fixes here)

  1. Update LIGO Launch test with new notification system
  2. Update Compose tests with new notification system
  3. Fix [ ] Read-only Tale checkbox
  4. Fix line break in Tale metadata tests

No UI State Change on Failed Launches

After a Tale fails to launch, the Tale stays in launching state in Launched Tales (Unrelated to these tests)

Failure to re-launch Tales

Launch LIGO Delete Launched LIGO Re-Launch Notice there is no notification

Deleting a Running Tale Shows Instance

Launch a Tale Navigate to its Run page Delete the Tale Note that the instance is still embedded in the browser

Removed Copied File Remains in UI

Launch a Tale Navigate to Files > Home Upload a File Copy File Delete Copied File Note that deleted file is still shown Refresh page Note that it's gone

File Upload Errors give [object: Object]

Upload n files until one fails Note that the error message along the lines of Not uploaded, error: [object Object]

Two Progress bars with Analyze in Whole Tale

When creating a Tale via https://girder.stage.wholetale.org/api/v1/integration/dataverse?fileId=3323458&siteUrl=https%3A%2F%2Fdataverse.harvard.edu, you see the progress bar on the Compose page and the one from the notification system. They are mostly in sync