whosonfirst-data / whosonfirst-data-postalcode-de

Who's On First postal code data for DE
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Non numeric wof:name fields in DE postalcode records #1

Closed stepps00 closed 7 years ago

stepps00 commented 7 years ago

Per @mtmail in https://github.com/whosonfirst-data/whosonfirst-data/issues/488:

The https://github.com/whosonfirst-data/whosonfirst-data-postalcode-de repository contains a couple of postcodes which don't follow the 5-digit format. It's surprising all those start with the letter Z

for f in `find whosonfirst-data-postalcode-de/ -name *.geojson`; do grep 'wof:name' "$f" | perl -nE'/\d{5}/||print'; done
    "wof:name":"Neu Zippendorf",
    "wof:name":"Stadtteil Zipkeleben",
    "wof:name":"St\u00e4dt. Kindergarten Zipfelm\u00fctze",
    "wof:name":"Kinderstube Zipfelm\u00fctze",
    "wof:name":"Kindergarten Zipfelm\u00fctze",
    "wof:name":"Kindergarten Eikita Zippel u Zappel",
    "wof:name":"Stadtteilbibliothek Neu Zippendorf",

To do: Deprecate the features listed above.