whosonfirst-data / whosonfirst-data

Who's On First is a gazetteer of places.
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Add fresh admin names from wikidata #2151

Closed stepps00 closed 1 year ago

stepps00 commented 1 year ago

Who's On First last pulled in name translations from wikidata over a year ago. Using the same script from the previous run, new names could be pulled in to fill in translation gaps.

With Mauritania, Montserrat, and Malta as a test, I see promising results:

total names added: 559
total updated features: 189

Opening this to run the import script across all of the admin-* repos, import the name additions, and add share the per-language and feature counts.

nvkelso commented 1 year ago


stepps00 commented 1 year ago

This work is complete on branches, I'll push them up to each repo soon.. here are the per-language counts and total record counts for the work.

abk 1
ady 3
afr 21
ami 1
ang 2
anp 1
ara 81
arg 5
ary 1
arz 106
asm 1
ast 16
avk 21
aym 2
azb 11
aze 113
bak 1
ban 3
bar 6
bcl 1
bel 106
ben 22
bis 1
bre 991
bug 51
bul 17
cat 27
cdo 2
ceb 26
ces 27
che 1836
chu 2
ckb 5
cor 2
cos 2
crh 54
csb 3
cym 33
dag 2
dan 18
deu 155
diq 793
div 1
ell 276
eng 5
epo 41
est 75
eus 15
ext 12
fao 2
fas 153
fin 25
fra 78
frp 30
frr 3
fry 10
ful 2
fur 1
gaa 1
gcr 5
gla 8
gle 198
glg 11
glk 3
gpe 11
grn 3
gsw 1
guc 27
guj 2
gur 1
hak 12
hau 17
heb 44
hin 1
hrv 2
hsb 3
hun 10
hye 85
hyw 16
ibo 2
ido 9
ile 15
ina 6
ind 16
isl 4
ita 19
jav 2
jpn 86
jut 1
kan 1
kas 4
kat 8
kaz 67
kbd 6
kcg 4
kom 2
kon 1
kor 30
ksh 11
kur 436
lad 1
lat 25
lav 4
lij 1
lim 3
lit 6
lld 1844
lmo 321
ltz 23
mal 25
mar 1
mdf 113
mhr 23
min 2
mkd 60
mlg 4
mlt 38
mni 1
mon 2
mri 3
msa 6
mwl 1
myv 6
mzn 22
nan 43
nap 1
nau 1
nav 2
nds 2
nld 23
nno 12
nob 19
nov 1
nqo 2
nrm 1
nso 10
oci 5
oss 66
pan 5
pap 12
pcd 6
pcm 7
pdc 1
pfl 1
pih 1
pms 6
pol 38
por 17
pus 6
pwn 1
rmy 1
roh 1
ron 9
rue 2
rup 1
rus 89
ryu 2
sat 11
scn 1
sco 2
sgs 1
shn 2
sje 1
skr 2
slk 11
slv 322
smj 1
smn 2
sms 1
spa 54
sqi 92
srd 2
srp 1
ssw 2
sun 1
swa 3
swe 163
syl 6
szl 34
tam 2
tat 1720
tcy 4
tel 3
tgk 5
tgl 3
tha 1
tok 1
trv 1
tum 2
tur 31
ukr 142
urd 93
uzb 12
vec 8
vep 9
vie 2
vls 1
vol 13
wln 1
wol 1
wuu 1
xho 18
yid 2
yue 765
zea 1
zho 181
zul 30

total names added: 13189

total updated features: 269088
stepps00 commented 1 year ago

This issue is complete, closing.