whuang08 / TreeScaper

TreeScaper is distributed under the GNU General Public License.
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Installation is annoying #11

Open josephwb opened 7 years ago

josephwb commented 7 years ago

Using either 1) configure or 2) separate Makefiles would make things a lot easier.

The README.txt states:

Similar to MAC version

but that is not true; all instructions are emphatically mac-specific! vtk can be installed simply with:

sudo apt-get install vtk6
sudo apt-get install vtkdata

The Mac/Linux instructions do not mention clapack, but it is apparently required:

g++ CLVmain.cpp -w randgen.cpp wstring.cpp warray.cpp wmapping.cpp wmix.cpp wfile.cpp wimport_form.cpp wDimEst.cpp wNLDR.cpp Trees.cpp TreeOPE.cpp Sparse_matrix.cpp greedy_louvain.cpp graph.cpp slicer.cpp label-map.cc community.cpp info.cpp hashfunc.cc hash.cc hungarian.c ClusterForest.cpp ClusterInstance.cpp Forest.cpp rspr.cpp SiblingPair.cpp SPRLCA.cpp SPRNode.cpp UndoMachine.cpp /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack_LINUX.a /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas_LINUX.a /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a -lm -I/home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/INCLUDE -DCOMMAND_LINE_VERSION -o CLVTreeScaper -DCOMMAND_LINE_VERSION
g++: error: /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/lapack_LINUX.a: No such file or directory
g++: error: /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/blas_LINUX.a: No such file or directory
g++: error: /home/whuang/CLAPACK-3.2.1/F2CLIBS/libf2c.a: No such file or directory
Makefile:22: recipe for target 'CLVTreeScaper' failed
make: *** [CLVTreeScaper] Error 1

(I have not yet found how to easily install that in Linux, but will post here if I do).

As well, instructions like:

open the file wdef.h, make sure _MAC is in the file.

are unclear: all possible values are already in the file. This sounds like things must be manually toggled. A naive user will not know what to do.

I have no idea what this is supposed to mean:

open the file Mac_TreeScaper.pro. then change the directory for each library and head file.

Change what to what?

Sorry if this comes off crotchety, I am just trying to help. But I was hoping to play with this over lunch. :bowtie:

whuang08 commented 7 years ago

Sorry for the confusions. One can use sudo apt-get install vtk6 sudo apt-get install vtkdata or download vtk from http://www.vtk.org/download/ if one need a different version. We will update the file to clarify it.

The file README.txt is not for installation. It is to set up an development environment of TreeScaper. If only need to use TreeScaper, you could double click the binary "TreeScaper" or go to the directory of TreeScaper and use command "./TreeScaper".

josephwb commented 7 years ago

I cannot launch TreeScaper which is why I was trying to compile it myself.

Note the "CLAPACK" comment above: it is not clear how this should be obtained for Linux (or Mac).

I do not understand:

The file README.txt is not for installation.

Are the installation instructions available elsewhere? I could not find anything else.

whuang08 commented 7 years ago

Sorry about the inconvenience. We hope that users are not necessary to compile code by themself. Therefore, we didn't keep the README.txt file up to date. We will update it ASAP. Thank you for letting me know.

I meant that users don't have to follow the README.txt file to install TreeScaper. One can just double click it and run it. I didn't realize that you want to compile the code. Sorry about the confusion.

CLAPACK is a standard linear algebra library which can be download from http://www.netlib.org/clapack/. You could follow the instruction on the webpage and compile the code.