To avoid the classloader issue in maven, I need to avoid falling back to the system classloader, while avoiding breaking the functionality this code was added for.
I believe that if none of Annotation, Documentation and AppInfo is not null, then there is no point even doing any work in this method.
I added the endorsed dir docs to the end of the Readme as they still are relevant, at least for the project I am working on, but I reworded to indicate it might be required, not it will be required.
I also changed the Thread.dumpStack to a logger call at fine level, and I left a TODO as a question to whummer for whether this code is even required anymore.
To avoid the classloader issue in maven, I need to avoid falling back to the system classloader, while avoiding breaking the functionality this code was added for.
I believe that if none of Annotation, Documentation and AppInfo is not null, then there is no point even doing any work in this method.
I added the endorsed dir docs to the end of the Readme as they still are relevant, at least for the project I am working on, but I reworded to indicate it might be required, not it will be required.
I also changed the Thread.dumpStack to a logger call at fine level, and I left a TODO as a question to whummer for whether this code is even required anymore.