It seems that you have not declare a CJKfamily.
(xeCJK) If you want to use xeCJK in the right way, you should
(xeCJK) use
(xeCJK) `\setCJKmainfont[...]{...}'
(xeCJK) in the preamble to declare the default CJKfamily.
Font "FandolSong-Regular" does not contain requested
(fontspec) Script "CJK".
Using \overbracket and \underbracket from
(unicode-math) mathtools' package. (unicode-math) (unicode-math) Use \Uoverbracket and \Uunderbracket for (unicode-math) originalunicode-math' definition.
I'm going to overwrite the following commands
(unicode-math) from the `mathtools' package:
(unicode-math) \dblcolon, \coloneqq, \Coloneqq, \eqqcolon.
(unicode-math) Note that since I won't overwrite the other
(unicode-math) colon-like commands, using them will lead to
(unicode-math) inconsistencies.
Font "FandolFang-Regular" does not contain requested
(fontspec) Script "CJK".
Font "FandolKai-Regular" does not contain requested
(fontspec) Script "CJK".
Font "FandolHei-Regular" does not contain requested
(fontspec) Script "CJK".
It seems that you have not declare a CJKfamily. (xeCJK) If you want to use xeCJK in the right way, you should (xeCJK) use (xeCJK) (xeCJK) `\setCJKmainfont[...]{...}' (xeCJK) (xeCJK) in the preamble to declare the default CJKfamily. (xeCJK)
Font "FandolSong-Regular" does not contain requested (fontspec) Script "CJK".
Using \overbracket and \underbracket from (unicode-math)
mathtools' package. (unicode-math) (unicode-math) Use \Uoverbracket and \Uunderbracket for (unicode-math) original
unicode-math' definition.I'm going to overwrite the following commands (unicode-math) from the `mathtools' package: (unicode-math)
(unicode-math) \dblcolon, \coloneqq, \Coloneqq, \eqqcolon. (unicode-math)
(unicode-math) Note that since I won't overwrite the other (unicode-math) colon-like commands, using them will lead to (unicode-math) inconsistencies.
Font "FandolFang-Regular" does not contain requested (fontspec) Script "CJK".
Font "FandolKai-Regular" does not contain requested (fontspec) Script "CJK".
Font "FandolHei-Regular" does not contain requested (fontspec) Script "CJK".