whyour / qinglong

支持 Python3、JavaScript、Shell、Typescript 的定时任务管理平台(Timed task management platform supporting Python3, JavaScript, Shell, Typescript)
Apache License 2.0
15.9k stars 2.95k forks source link

x86_64+openwrt+docker-ce+portainer,容器启动失败 #2

Closed nxppru closed 3 years ago

nxppru commented 3 years ago

分别用的20号前后两次的dockerfiles构建镜像,桥接模式启动后自动停止,浏览器桥接地址:404 Not Found nginx;RESTART POLICIES设置always后启动循环,日志如下:

======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 检测到config配置目录下不存在crontab.list或存在但文件为空,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/crontab.list.sample' -> '/jd/config/crontab.list', 成功添加定时任务..., , 检测到config配置目录下不存在config.sh,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/config.sh.sample' -> '/jd/config/config.sh', , 检测到config配置目录下不存在auth.json,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/auth.json' -> '/jd/config/auth.json', , '/jd/docker/front.conf' -> '/etc/nginx/conf.d/front.conf', ======================2. 启动nginx========================, , , ======================3. 更新源代码========================, , , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 系统时间:2021-03-21 00:43:35, , JS脚本目录:/jd/scripts, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 更新shell..., , Fetching origin, No local changes to save, Already up to date., , No stash entries found., 更新shell成功..., , 更新scripts..., , Fetching origin, fatal: pathspec 'i-chenzhe' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'moposmall' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'qq34347476' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'whyour' did not match any files, Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 08a353b update, Already up to date., , On branch master, Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'., , Changes not staged for commit:, (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed), (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory), modified: package-lock.json, , no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a"), Dropped refs/stash@{0} (d67ed935f951a4b546ca05295524465d666100a6), Unstaged changes after reset:, M package-lock.json, 更新scripts成功..., , 检测到有新的定时任务:, ,, y, jd_cfd, jd_city, jd_crazy_joy_bonus, jd_delCoupon,, y,, l, jd_global_mh, jd_jxd, jd_live_redrain, jd_mohe, jd_ms, jd_nzmh, jd_price, jd_sgmh, jd_speed_redpocke, jd_speed_sign, , 检测到有失效的定时任务:, , jd_joy_steal,, d, , 开始尝试自动删除定时任务如下:, , jd_joy_steal,, d, , 成功删除失效的脚本与定时任务,当前的定时任务清单如下:, , --------------------------------------------------------------, ,


17 1,5,9,13,17,20,23 sleep 34 && bash git_pull >> ${JD_DIR}/log/git_pull.log 2>&1, 30 * bash diy i-chenzhe qx >> ${JD_DIR}/log/diy_pull.log 2>&1, ,

删除 RmLogDaysAgo 指定天数以前的旧日志,本行为不记录日志,

57 13 * bash rm_log >/dev/null 2>&1, ,


48 5 * bash export_sharecodes, ,


33 13 * bash jd hangup,



10 13 * bash jd 52pojie,

/30 7-22 bash jd iqiyi,

/30 7-22 bash jd bilibili,

/30 7-22 bash jd unicom,



/30 * bash jd xmly_speed py,





5 9 bash jd jd_bean_change, 28 5 bash jd jd_bean_home, 4 0,9 bash jd jd_bean_sign, 0,30 0 bash jd jd_blueCoin, 12 8,12,18 bash jd jd_bookshop, 37 7 bash jd jd_car, 13 8,22 bash jd jd_cash, 0 0 bash jd jd_car_exchange, 2 0 bash jd jd_club_lottery, 43 13 bash jd jd_crazy_joy, 54 2-23/3 bash jd jd_daily_egg, 20 bash jd jd_dreamFactory, 29 7,12,18 bash jd jd_fruit, 49 6 bash jd jd_get_share_code, 36 bash jd jd_jdfactory, 14 11 bash jd jd_jdzz, 6 0,8,9,13,18,22 bash jd jd_joy, /20 0-22 bash jd jd_joy_feedPets, 0 0,8,12,16 bash jd jd_joy_reward, 12 9-20/2 bash jd jd_joy_run, 0 9,12,18 bash jd jd_jxnc, 32 7 bash jd jd_kd, 13-33/5 13 bash jd jd_live, 15 1 bash jd jd_lotteryMachine, 40 /4 bash jd jd_moneyTree, 20 0,20 bash jd jd_necklace, 10 7,12,18 bash jd jd_pet, 25 bash jd jd_pigPet, 35 7-22 bash jd jd_plantBean, 11 0 bash jd jd_rankingList, 1 1 bash jd jd_redPacket, 0 0 bash jd jd_shop, 16 0 bash jd jd_small_home, 35 /3 bash jd jd_speed, 9 1-23/5 bash jd jd_superMarket, 25 9 bash jd jd_syj, 45 23 bash jd jd_unsubscribe, 19 11 bash jd jx_sign, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 您未提供server酱的SCKEY,取消微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供push+推送所需的PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN,取消push+推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供Bark的APP推送BARK_PUSH,取消Bark推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供telegram机器人推送所需的TG_BOT_TOKEN和TG_USER_ID,取消telegram推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供钉钉机器人推送所需的DD_BOT_TOKEN或者DD_BOT_SECRET,取消钉钉推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信机器人推送所需的QYWX_KEY,取消企业微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信应用消息推送所需的QYWX_AM,取消企业微信应用消息推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供iGot的推送IGOT_PUSH_KEY,取消iGot推送消息通知🚫, , 开始尝试自动添加定时任务如下:, ,, y, jd_cfd, jd_city, jd_crazy_joy_bonus, jd_delCoupon,, y,, l, jd_global_mh, jd_jxd, jd_live_redrain, jd_mohe, jd_ms, jd_nzmh, jd_price, jd_sgmh, jd_speed_redpocke, jd_speed_sign, , 成功添加新的定时任务,当前的定时任务清单如下:, , --------------------------------------------------------------, ,


17 1,5,9,13,17,20,23 sleep 34 && bash git_pull >> ${JD_DIR}/log/git_pull.log 2>&1, 30 * bash diy i-chenzhe qx >> ${JD_DIR}/log/diy_pull.log 2>&1, ,

删除 RmLogDaysAgo 指定天数以前的旧日志,本行为不记录日志,

57 13 * bash rm_log >/dev/null 2>&1, ,


48 5 * bash export_sharecodes, ,


33 13 * bash jd hangup,



10 13 * bash jd 52pojie,

/30 7-22 bash jd iqiyi,

/30 7-22 bash jd bilibili,

/30 7-22 bash jd unicom,



/30 * bash jd xmly_speed py,





5 9 bash jd jd_bean_change, 28 5 bash jd jd_bean_home, 4 0,9 bash jd jd_bean_sign, 0,30 0 bash jd jd_blueCoin, 12 8,12,18 bash jd jd_bookshop, 37 7 bash jd jd_car, 13 8,22 bash jd jd_cash, 0 0 bash jd jd_car_exchange, 2 0 bash jd jd_club_lottery, 43 13 bash jd jd_crazy_joy, 54 2-23/3 bash jd jd_daily_egg, 20 bash jd jd_dreamFactory, 29 7,12,18 bash jd jd_fruit, 49 6 bash jd jd_get_share_code, 36 bash jd jd_jdfactory, 14 11 bash jd jd_jdzz, 6 0,8,9,13,18,22 bash jd jd_joy, /20 0-22 bash jd jd_joy_feedPets, 0 0,8,12,16 bash jd jd_joy_reward, 12 9-20/2 bash jd jd_joy_run, 0 9,12,18 bash jd jd_jxnc, 32 7 bash jd jd_kd, 13-33/5 13 bash jd jd_live, 15 1 bash jd jd_lotteryMachine, 40 /4 bash jd jd_moneyTree, 20 0,20 bash jd jd_necklace, 10 7,12,18 bash jd jd_pet, 25 bash jd jd_pigPet, 35 7-22 bash jd jd_plantBean, 11 0 bash jd jd_rankingList, 1 1 bash jd jd_redPacket, 0 0 bash jd jd_shop, 16 0 bash jd jd_small_home, 35 /3 bash jd jd_speed, 9 1-23/5 bash jd jd_superMarket, 25 9 bash jd jd_syj, 45 23 bash jd jd_unsubscribe, 19 11 bash jd jx_sign, 41 7,12,19 bash jd jd_beauty, /2 bash jd jd_cfd, 40 0-23/1 bash jd jd_city, 10 12 * bash jd jd_crazy_joy_bonus,

20 9 6 bash jd jd_delCoupon,

10 6,7 bash jd jd_family, 5 6,22 bash jd jd_global, 35 7,12,23 bash jd jd_global_mh, 13 8,16,20 bash jd jd_jxd, 30,31 20-23/1 bash jd jd_live_redrain, 10 0,1-23/4 bash jd jd_mohe, 10 6 bash jd jd_ms, 35 1,23 bash jd jd_nzmh,

41 0,23 * bash jd jd_price,

8 bash jd jd_sgmh, 45 0,23 bash jd jd_speed_redpocke, 21 1,6 * bash jd jd_speed_sign, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 您未提供server酱的SCKEY,取消微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供push+推送所需的PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN,取消push+推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供Bark的APP推送BARK_PUSH,取消Bark推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供telegram机器人推送所需的TG_BOT_TOKEN和TG_USER_ID,取消telegram推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供钉钉机器人推送所需的DD_BOT_TOKEN或者DD_BOT_SECRET,取消钉钉推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信机器人推送所需的QYWX_KEY,取消企业微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信应用消息推送所需的QYWX_AM,取消企业微信应用消息推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供iGot的推送IGOT_PUSH_KEY,取消iGot推送消息通知🚫, , , ======================4. 启动挂机程序========================, , config.sh中还未填入有效的Cookie,可能是首次部署容器,因此不启动挂机程序..., , ======================5. 启动控制面板========================, , , -------------, , /\\\\\\_/\\____/\\____/\\\\\, \/\\/////////\_\/\\\____/\\\_/\\///////\_, \/\____\/\_\/\\//\_/\\//\\\///____\//\_, \/\\\\\\\/\/\\///\\/\\/\/\____/\\/, \/\\/////////__\/\__\///\\/_\/\_____/\\//, \/\_____\/\__\///__\/\_/\\//____, \/\_____\/\_____\/\_/\\/____, \/\_____\/\_____\/\_/\\\\\\\_, _\///__\///__\///\///////////////, , , Runtime Edition, , PM2 is a Production Process Manager for Node.js applications, with a built-in Load Balancer., , Start and Daemonize any application:, $ pm2 start app.js, , Load Balance 4 instances of api.js:, $ pm2 start api.js -i 4, , Monitor in production:, $ pm2 monitor, , Make pm2 auto-boot at server restart:, $ pm2 startup, , To go further checkout:, http://pm2.io/, , , -------------, , [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2, [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized, [PM2] Starting /jd/build/app.js in fork_mode (1 instance), [PM2] Done., ┌─────┬────────┬─────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐, │ id │ name │ namespace │ version │ mode │ pid │ uptime │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │, ├─────┼────────┼─────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤, │ 0 │ app │ default │ N/A │ fork │ 224 │ 0s │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 29.1mb │ root │ disabled │, └─────┴────────┴─────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘, 控制面板启动成功..., , , 容器启动成功..., , ======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 成功添加定时任务...,

q4w5e6 commented 3 years ago

分别用的20号前后两次的dockerfiles构建镜像,桥接模式启动后自动停止,浏览器桥接地址:404 Not Found nginx;RESTART POLICIES设置always后启动循环,日志如下:

======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 检测到config配置目录下不存在crontab.list或存在但文件为空,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/crontab.list.sample' -> '/jd/config/crontab.list', 成功添加定时任务..., , 检测到config配置目录下不存在config.sh,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/config.sh.sample' -> '/jd/config/config.sh', , 检测到config配置目录下不存在auth.json,从示例文件复制一份用于初始化..., , '/jd/sample/auth.json' -> '/jd/config/auth.json', , '/jd/docker/front.conf' -> '/etc/nginx/conf.d/front.conf', ======================2. 启动nginx========================, , , ======================3. 更新源代码========================, , , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 系统时间:2021-03-21 00:43:35, , JS脚本目录:/jd/scripts, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 更新shell..., , Fetching origin, No local changes to save, Already up to date., , No stash entries found., 更新shell成功..., , 更新scripts..., , Fetching origin, fatal: pathspec 'i-chenzhe' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'moposmall' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'qq34347476' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'whyour' did not match any files, Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 08a353b update, Already up to date., , On branch master, Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'., , Changes not staged for commit:, (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed), (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory), modified: package-lock.json, , no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a"), Dropped refs/stash@{0} (d67ed935f951a4b546ca05295524465d666100a6), Unstaged changes after reset:, M package-lock.json, 更新scripts成功..., , 检测到有新的定时任务:, ,�, y, jd_cfd, jd_city, jd_crazy_joy_bonus,� jd_delCoupon,�, y,�, l,� jd_global_mh, jd_jxd, jd_live_redrain, jd_mohe, jd_ms, jd_nzmh, jd_price, jd_sgmh, jd_speed_redpocke, jd_speed_sign, , 检测到有失效的定时任务:, ,� jd_joy_steal,�, d, , 开始尝试自动删除定时任务如下:, ,� jd_joy_steal,�, d, , 成功删除失效的脚本与定时任务,当前的定时任务清单如下:, , --------------------------------------------------------------, ,


17 1,5,9,13,17,20,23 sleep 34 && bash git_pull >> ${JD_DIR}/log/git_pull.log 2>&1, 30 * bash diy i-chenzhe qx >> ${JD_DIR}/log/diy_pull.log 2>&1, ,

删除 RmLogDaysAgo 指定天数以前的旧日志,本行为不记录日志,

57 13 * bash rm_log >/dev/null 2>&1, ,


48 5 * bash export_sharecodes, ,


33 13 * bash jd hangup,



10 13 * bash jd 52pojie,

/30 7-22 * bash jd iqiyi, #/30 7-22 * bash jd bilibili,

/30 7-22 bash jd unicom,



/30 * bash jd xmly_speed py,





5 9 bash jd jd_bean_change, 28 5 bash jd jd_bean_home, 4 0,9 bash jd jd_bean_sign, 0,30 0 bash jd jd_blueCoin, 12 8,12,18 bash jd jd_bookshop, 37 7 bash jd jd_car, 13 8,22 bash jd jd_cash, 0 0 bash jd jd_car_exchange, 2 0 bash jd jd_club_lottery, 43 13 bash jd jd_crazy_joy, 54 2-23/3 bash jd jd_daily_egg, 20 bash jd jd_dreamFactory, 29 7,12,18 bash jd jd_fruit, 49 6 bash jd jd_get_share_code, 36 bash jd jd_jdfactory, 14 11 bash jd jd_jdzz, 6 0,8,9,13,18,22 bash jd jd_joy, /20 0-22 bash jd jd_joy_feedPets, 0 0,8,12,16 bash jd jd_joy_reward, 12 9-20/2 bash jd jd_joy_run, 0 9,12,18 bash jd jd_jxnc, 32 7 bash jd jd_kd, 13-33/5 13 bash jd jd_live, 15 1 bash jd jd_lotteryMachine, 40 /4 bash jd jd_moneyTree, 20 0,20 bash jd jd_necklace, 10 7,12,18 bash jd jd_pet, 25 bash jd jd_pigPet, 35 7-22 bash jd jd_plantBean, 11 0 bash jd jd_rankingList, 1 1 bash jd jd_redPacket, 0 0 bash jd jd_shop, 16 0 bash jd jd_small_home, 35 /3 bash jd jd_speed, 9 1-23/5 bash jd jd_superMarket, 25 9 bash jd jd_syj, 45 23 bash jd jd_unsubscribe, 19 11 bash jd jx_sign, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 您未提供server酱的SCKEY,取消微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供push+推送所需的PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN,取消push+推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供Bark的APP推送BARK_PUSH,取消Bark推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供telegram机器人推送所需的TG_BOT_TOKEN和TG_USER_ID,取消telegram推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供钉钉机器人推送所需的DD_BOT_TOKEN或者DD_BOT_SECRET,取消钉钉推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信机器人推送所需的QYWX_KEY,取消企业微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信应用消息推送所需的QYWX_AM,取消企业微信应用消息推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供iGot的推送IGOT_PUSH_KEY,取消iGot推送消息通知🚫, , 开始尝试自动添加定时任务如下:, ,�, y, jd_cfd, jd_city, jd_crazy_joy_bonus,� jd_delCoupon,�, y,�, l,� jd_global_mh, jd_jxd, jd_live_redrain, jd_mohe, jd_ms, jd_nzmh, jd_price, jd_sgmh, jd_speed_redpocke, jd_speed_sign, , 成功添加新的定时任务,当前的定时任务清单如下:, , --------------------------------------------------------------, ,


17 1,5,9,13,17,20,23 sleep 34 && bash git_pull >> ${JD_DIR}/log/git_pull.log 2>&1, 30 * bash diy i-chenzhe qx >> ${JD_DIR}/log/diy_pull.log 2>&1, ,

删除 RmLogDaysAgo 指定天数以前的旧日志,本行为不记录日志,

57 13 * bash rm_log >/dev/null 2>&1, ,


48 5 * bash export_sharecodes, ,


33 13 * bash jd hangup,



10 13 * bash jd 52pojie,

/30 7-22 * bash jd iqiyi, #/30 7-22 * bash jd bilibili,

/30 7-22 bash jd unicom,



/30 * bash jd xmly_speed py,





5 9 bash jd jd_bean_change, 28 5 bash jd jd_bean_home, 4 0,9 bash jd jd_bean_sign, 0,30 0 bash jd jd_blueCoin, 12 8,12,18 bash jd jd_bookshop, 37 7 bash jd jd_car, 13 8,22 bash jd jd_cash, 0 0 bash jd jd_car_exchange, 2 0 bash jd jd_club_lottery, 43 13 bash jd jd_crazy_joy, 54 2-23/3 bash jd jd_daily_egg, 20 bash jd jd_dreamFactory, 29 7,12,18 bash jd jd_fruit, 49 6 bash jd jd_get_share_code, 36 bash jd jd_jdfactory, 14 11 bash jd jd_jdzz, 6 0,8,9,13,18,22 bash jd jdjoy, /20 0-22 bash jd jd_joy_feedPets, 0 0,8,12,16 bash jd jd_joy_reward, 12 9-20/2 bash jd jd_joy_run, 0 9,12,18 bash jd jd_jxnc, 32 7 bash jd jd_kd, 13-33/5 13 bash jd jd_live, 15 1 bash jd jdlotteryMachine, 40 /4 bash jd jd_moneyTree, 20 0,20 bash jd jd_necklace, 10 7,12,18 bash jd jd_pet, 25 bash jd jd_pigPet, 35 7-22 bash jd jd_plantBean, 11 0 bash jd jd_rankingList, 1 1 bash jd jd_redPacket, 0 0 bash jd jd_shop, 16 0 bash jd jd_smallhome, 35 /3 bash jd jd_speed, 9 1-23/5 bash jd jd_superMarket, 25 9 bash jd jd_syj, 45 23 bash jd jd_unsubscribe, 19 11 bash jd jx_sign, 41 7,12,19 bash jd jdbeauty, /2 bash jd jd_cfd, 40 0-23/1 bash jd jd_city, 10 12 bash jd jd_crazy_joy_bonus, #20 9 6 bash jd jd_delCoupon, 10 6,7 bash jd jd_family, 5 6,22 bash jd jd_global, 35 7,12,23 bash jd jd_global_mh, 13 8,16,20 bash jd jd_jxd, 30,31 20-23/1 bash jd jd_live_redrain, 10 0,1-23/4 bash jd jd_mohe, 10 6 bash jd jd_ms, 35 1,23 bash jd jd_nzmh, #41 0,23 bash jd jd_price, 8 bash jd jd_sgmh, 45 0,23 bash jd jd_speed_redpocke, 21 1,6 * bash jd jd_speed_sign, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 您未提供server酱的SCKEY,取消微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供push+推送所需的PUSH_PLUS_TOKEN,取消push+推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供Bark的APP推送BARK_PUSH,取消Bark推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供telegram机器人推送所需的TG_BOT_TOKEN和TG_USER_ID,取消telegram推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供钉钉机器人推送所需的DD_BOT_TOKEN或者DD_BOT_SECRET,取消钉钉推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信机器人推送所需的QYWX_KEY,取消企业微信推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供企业微信应用消息推送所需的QYWX_AM,取消企业微信应用消息推送消息通知🚫, , 您未提供iGot的推送IGOT_PUSHKEY,取消iGot推送消息通知🚫, , , ======================4. 启动挂机程序========================, , config.sh中还未填入有效的Cookie,可能是首次部署容器,因此不启动挂机程序..., , ======================5. 启动控制面板========================, , , -------------, , /\\\_/\**/\/\\_, /\/////////\/\****/\\/\///////_, /____/_/\//_/\//\///___//_, /\\\/**/\///\/\//____/\/, /\//////////_///\//_**/\//****, /_******/_////_____/\//**, /_******/\__**/_/\/****, /_**/_**/_/\\\_, ///**///****__**//////////////////*, , , Runtime Edition, , PM2 is a Production Process Manager for Node.js applications, with a built-in Load Balancer., , Start and Daemonize any application:, $ pm2 start app.js, , Load Balance 4 instances of api.js:, $ pm2 start api.js -i 4, , Monitor in production:, $ pm2 monitor, , Make pm2 auto-boot at server restart:, $ pm2 startup, , To go further checkout:, http://pm2.io/, , , -------------, , [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2, [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized, [PM2] Starting /jd/build/app.js in forkmode (1 instance), [PM2] Done., ┌─────┬────────┬─────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐, │ id │ name │ namespace │ version │ mode │ pid │ uptime │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │, ├─────┼────────┼─────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤, │ 0 │ app │ default │ N/A │ fork │ 224 │ 0s │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 29.1mb │ root │ disabled │, └─────┴────────┴─────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘, 控制面板启动成功..., , , 容器启动成功..., , ======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 成功添加定时任务..., , '/jd/docker/front.conf' -> '/etc/nginx/conf.d/front.conf', ======================2. 启动nginx========================, , , ======================3. 更新源代码========================, , , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 系统时间:2021-03-21 00:49:19, , JS脚本目录:/jd/scripts, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 更新shell..., , Fetching origin, No local changes to save, Already up to date., , No stash entries found., 更新shell成功..., , 更新scripts..., , Fetching origin, fatal: pathspec 'i-chenzhe' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'moposmall' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'qq34347476' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'whyour_' did not match any files, Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 08a353b update, Already up to date., , On branch master, Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'., , Changes not staged for commit:, (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed), (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory), modified: package-lock.json, , no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a"), Dropped refs/stash@{0} (597d04a430b755f56d46c941ca1ace72da59b9f7), Unstaged changes after reset:, M package-lock.json, 更新scripts成功..., , , ======================4. 启动挂机程序========================, , config.sh中还未填入有效的Cookie,可能是首次部署容器,因此不启动挂机程序..., , ======================5. 启动控制面板========================, , [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2, [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized, [PM2] Starting /jd/build/app.js in fork_mode (1 instance), [PM2] Done., ┌─────┬────────┬─────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐, │ id │ name │ namespace │ version │ mode │ pid │ uptime │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │, ├─────┼────────┼─────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤, │ 0 │ app │ default │ N/A │ fork │ 122 │ 0s │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 32.6mb │ root │ disabled │, └─────┴────────┴─────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘, 控制面板启动成功..., , , 容器启动成功..., , ======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 成功添加定时任务..., , '/jd/docker/front.conf' -> '/etc/nginx/conf.d/front.conf', ======================2. 启动nginx========================, , , ======================3. 更新源代码========================, , , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 系统时间:2021-03-21 00:49:57, , JS脚本目录:/jd/scripts, , --------------------------------------------------------------, , 更新shell..., , Fetching origin, No local changes to save, Already up to date., , No stash entries found., 更新shell成功..., , 更新scripts..., , Fetching origin, fatal: pathspec 'i-chenzhe' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'moposmall' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'qq34347476' did not match any files, fatal: pathspec 'whyour*' did not match any files, Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 08a353b update, Already up to date., , On branch master, Your branch is up to date with 'origin/master'., , Changes not staged for commit:, (use "git add ..." to update what will be committed), (use "git restore ..." to discard changes in working directory), modified: package-lock.json, , no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a"), Dropped refs/stash@{0} (b30757d94ac810f0f59836104b593ceddd9f59a3), Unstaged changes after reset:, M package-lock.json, 更新scripts成功..., , , ======================4. 启动挂机程序========================, , config.sh中还未填入有效的Cookie,可能是首次部署容器,因此不启动挂机程序..., , ======================5. 启动控制面板========================, , [PM2] Spawning PM2 daemon with pm2_home=/root/.pm2, [PM2] PM2 Successfully daemonized, [PM2] Starting /jd/build/app.js in fork_mode (1 instance), [PM2] Done., ┌─────┬────────┬─────────────┬─────────┬─────────┬──────────┬────────┬──────┬───────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┬──────────┐, │ id │ name │ namespace │ version │ mode │ pid │ uptime │ ↺ │ status │ cpu │ mem │ user │ watching │, ├─────┼────────┼─────────────┼─────────┼─────────┼──────────┼────────┼──────┼───────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┼──────────┤, │ 0 │ app │ default │ N/A │ fork │ 122 │ 0s │ 0 │ online │ 0% │ 29.0mb │ root │ disabled │, └─────┴────────┴─────────────┴─────────┴─────────┴──────────┴────────┴──────┴───────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┴──────────┘, 控制面板启动成功..., , , 容器启动成功..., , ======================1. 检测配置文件========================, , 成功添加定时任务...,


q4w5e6 commented 3 years ago


whyour commented 3 years ago

@nxppru 等待正式镜像吧