whywaita / myshoes-providers

myshoes-provider is shoes plugins for myshoes
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Update whywaita/myshoes dependency for labels support. #18

Closed alfred-stokespace closed 2 months ago

alfred-stokespace commented 3 months ago

I'm looking for a way to accommodate custom tags on ec2 instances (for budget/costing separation) based on some context from the job.

I see that in the parent myshoes repo you have added labels onto AddInstanceRequest https://github.com/whywaita/myshoes/blame/603c51b07c194f6d0e98218b65a5568ce8e3fc2c/api/proto/myshoes.proto#L28

but I also see that the providers repo is on a very old version of the myshoes module v1.9.0 and as such has no labels šŸ‘Ž

require (
    github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2 v1.7.1
    github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/config v1.5.0
    github.com/aws/aws-sdk-go-v2/service/ec2 v1.12.0
    github.com/hashicorp/go-plugin v1.4.2
    github.com/ory/dockertest/v3 v3.6.3 // indirect
    github.com/whywaita/myshoes v1.9.0  <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
    google.golang.org/grpc v1.39.0

My question, do you see any concerns if I try to upgrade that version so that I can get the labels available in the provider?

If not, I may try to submit a PR.

whywaita commented 2 months ago

Hi @alfred-stokespace

I have no qualms regarding the version upgrade. However, this repository serves as a collection of sample code snippets for myshoes providers, and I don't anticipate receiving PRs here. Thus, I've established a separate repository at shoes-aws. Would you be kind enough to submit your PR to this repository instead?

alfred-stokespace commented 2 months ago

Thanks @whywaita for pointing out the other repo, I totally missed that. I do see that it's also on the same v1.9.0. I'll close this issue and take a look at the other repo.

alfred-stokespace commented 2 months ago

added PR in the mentioned repo https://github.com/whywaita/shoes-aws/pull/2 Thanks @whywaita