wickedest / Mergely

Merge and diff documents online
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Left/Right Merge keyboard shortcut conflicts with those for text cursor movement per word on Mac. #153

Open elmimmo opened 3 years ago

elmimmo commented 3 years ago

Please, change or offer a way to change the keyboard shortcuts for Left/Right Merge.

The keyboard shortcuts for “Merge change right” and “Merge change left” (alt + right/left respectively) override commonly used keyboard shortcuts (on Macs at least) for moving the text cursor one word at a time. Considering that Mergely is about a live-diff viewing two editable texts, I find being able to easily move the text cursor more useful.

wickedest commented 3 years ago

@elmimmo, thanks - y, I agree that the Mac experience with the Mac option key + cursor isn't great. Note this is just with https://editor.mergely.com, and not with Mergely itself, though, I'll take the defect here.