wicksome / todo-cli

📝 A simple and extensible JavaScript App for managing your todo.txt file.
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analysis #1

Open wicksome opened 7 years ago

wicksome commented 7 years ago




$ td ls
  1 | A | ✔︎ develop script parsing todo.txt +todo.txt-cli-go
  2 | B | ✘ add README.md
$ td ls
  1 | A | ✔︎ develop script parsing todo.txt +todo.txt-cli-go
  2 | B | ✘ add README.md
     init, i     Initialize a collection of todos
     add, a      Add a new todo
     modify, m   Modify the text of an existing todo
     toggle, t   Toggle the status of a todo by giving his id
     clean, c    Remove finished todos from the list
     reorder, r  Reset ids of todo (no arguments) or swap the position of two todos
     search, s   Search a string in all todos
     help, h     Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --done, -d     print done todos
   --all, -a      print all todos
   --help, -h     show help
wicksome commented 6 years ago

first design image

second design image list 개발: 10시간, 10/3 20:47 -> 10/4 06:50