wics-uw / website

The code that runs http://wics.uwaterloo.ca/
9 stars 49 forks source link

Square event details added #206

Closed bdamerac closed 8 years ago

bdamerac commented 8 years ago


evykassirer commented 8 years ago

See how this one also has all the commits from the tea party? You need to have your master branch identical to the wics version of the website (without any of our new changes) and then a new branch off of that. If you're confused what I mean, feel free to ping me on irc. You can probably close this PR too.

bdamerac commented 8 years ago

So do I fork a new repository? I tried doing that and it takes me to the old one!

evykassirer commented 8 years ago

Depends - if you were working in master branch, one way to reset is deleting your fork (delete the repository) and making a new one. There are easier ways to do it though - try git reset --hard origin/master

ehashman commented 8 years ago

git reset --hard origin/master won't fix anything because @Bhargavi1997 has pushed those changes out to master. @Bhargavi1997, did you set up an upstream remote per the README? Because in that case, you can git fetch upstream && git reset --hard upstream/master while you have your master branch checked out.