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Stuck on creating certificate for my subdomain #28

Closed JohnCido closed 1 year ago

JohnCido commented 1 year ago

I'm using a subdomain social.xxx.xxx for my site, but the certificate stuck on verification. I saw the section about Route 53 in the README, but I can't find a way to create two NS records for my hosted zone. And I did not buy the domain on AWS, should I go to my original domain merchant to add four more NS records?

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

By creating the CloudFormation stack, you are creating a Route53 hosted zone in your AWS account. The hosted zone is associated with four nameservers. You need to create a NS record social.xxx.xxx pointing to the AWS nameservers wherever you are hosting your domain.

GregCKrause commented 1 year ago

It is also worth noting that, in addition to an NS record, you will need to ensure that your registered domain is pointing to the nameservers for the hosted zone.

Add or change name servers or glue records for a domain.

scrappydog commented 1 year ago

This is a manual setup step that could use better documentation: Specifically certificate creation hangs and blocks everything until you have the correct NS records setup pointing to the correct route 53 servers for the new zone.

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

@scrappydog Do you have any recommendation on how to improve the docs?

JohnCido commented 1 year ago

Oh my god, I think I found the part that confused me most, if the subdomain field is left blank, you can't change the type to NS:


I usually choose the type first when creating new record, never thought of another way around.

I just created a new stack and I'll see if there's any problem this time.