widdix / mastodon-on-aws

Host your own Mastodon instance on AWS
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Access to the CLI #6

Open jobyid opened 1 year ago

jobyid commented 1 year ago

Once the server is deployed and working how do I access the CLI commands to set things like sever owner etc.

michaelwittig commented 1 year ago

Have you tried this? https://github.com/widdix/mastodon-on-aws#administration

jobyid commented 1 year ago

I tried but wasn't sure what the taskID referred to.

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

Thanks for bringing this up, @jobyid. I'm currently improving the docs. In the meantime please use the following instructions.

Use the following instructions to access the Mastodon CLI:

  1. Open Elastic Container Service (ECS) via the AWS Management Console.
  2. Selct the ECS cluster with the name prefixed with the name of your CloudFormation stack (e.g., mastodon-on-aws-*).
  3. Note down the full name of the cluster (e.g., mastodon-on-aws-Cluster-1NHBMI9NL62QP-Cluster-pkxgiUVXxLC7).
  4. Select the Tasks tab.
  5. Search for a task with status Running and a task definition containing *-WebService-* in its name.
  6. Note down the task ID (e.g., a752b99a4cf843ce8a957c374fc98abf).
  7. Install the AWS CLI.

Use the following command to connect with the container running the Ruby on Rails (Web) application. Replace with the name of your ECS cluster and with the ID of a running ECS task.

aws ecs execute-command --cluster <CLUSTER_NAME> --container app --command /bin/bash --interactive --task <TASK_ID>

After the session got established you are ready to use the tootctl.