widdix / mastodon-on-aws

Host your own Mastodon instance on AWS
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Post-Deploy Steps #9

Closed schuettc closed 1 year ago

schuettc commented 1 year ago

Looks like everything deployed correctly. I can get to the task via CLI. But no response from the actual site itself. R53 appears to be resolving correctly to the ALB. Is there something that needs to be done on the server itself to start it?

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

What's the output of curl -v https://<INSERT_YOUR_DOMAIN>?

schuettc commented 1 year ago

502 Bad Gateway

curl -v https://social.subaud.io

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

Could you please check the CloudWatch Log Group named cloudonaut-mastodon-WebService- for error messages?

schuettc commented 1 year ago

Just restarted the task and it seems to be working now. Was fairly sporadic, but restarting task seemed to help. Looks stable now. Maybe a timing issue with deployment? Added R53 domain half way through deploy.

schuettc commented 1 year ago

BTW, repeatedly got "Killed" in response to an attempt to modify a user from CLI. Upgraded task to: Task memory (MiB) 2048 Task CPU (unit) 1024

It seems to have resolved that issue.

andreaswittig commented 1 year ago

Thanks, I'm running into the same issue right now. ;)