widdowquinn / pyani

Application and Python module for average nucleotide identity analyses of microbes.
MIT License
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Rationalise documentation #392

Open widdowquinn opened 2 years ago

widdowquinn commented 2 years ago


We'd like to rationalise the documentation to make our lives, and users' lives, easier.


Some of the existing documentation is possibly overlong/in the "wrong" place, so we might consider three strands of documentation going forward:

baileythegreen commented 2 years ago

The current README has this table of contents:

Table of Contents

@widdowquinn From the conversation the other day, and the outline in the wiki, I think these sections of the README should be reduced/moved elsewhere:

The non-standard installation details could go into the wiki.

This section seems like it should either come earlier in the README, or be in the wiki:

peterjc commented 1 year ago

See also the CONTRIBUTING.md convention encouraged by GitHub which would hold or at least point to developer centric information like coding style, CI setup, issue management.