widdowquinn / pyani

Application and Python module for average nucleotide identity analyses of microbes.
MIT License
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pyani command not found #411

Closed chjp closed 1 year ago

chjp commented 1 year ago


pyani command not found


I installed pyani in Mac using conda create --name pyani_env python=3.8 -y conda activate pyani_env conda install pyani The installation was successful. I can see several pyani scripts such as /Users/admin/opt/miniconda3/envs/pyani_env/bin/average_nucleotide_identity.py. However, pyani is missing in the bin directory and is not callable.

chjp commented 1 year ago

Just found the old similar issue https://github.com/widdowquinn/pyani/issues/169 with a solution. I am closing this issue now.