widdowquinn / pyani

Application and Python module for average nucleotide identity analyses of microbes.
MIT License
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Pyani not installing through conda #419

Closed conmeehan closed 3 months ago

conmeehan commented 8 months ago


When using conda to install the package, everything says it installs correctly but the pyani executable just isn't there.


Installation instructions followed as per github (environment then install) but used mamba instead. When I type 'pyani' on the command line, it just says command not found.

I also tried with pip3 and it didn't work for some reason.

Reproducible Steps:

mamba create --name pyani_env python=3.8 -y mamba activate pyani_env mamba install pyani pyani

Current Output:


Python Version:

3.8 inside the conda environment

Operating System:

OSX and Ubuntu (tried separately)

widdowquinn commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the report, Conor - this is an outstanding issue re: the landing page documentation. Many apologies that it's (still) not yet fixed and/or clear.

conda installs pyani v0.2; the pyani <command> syntax is new to pyani v0.3/development. For the conda-installed version, you'll need to follow this documentation: https://github.com/widdowquinn/pyani/blob/master/README_v_0_2_x.md

I hope that helps get things moving.



conmeehan commented 8 months ago


Yes that clears it up a bit. That means that to use pyani the conda doesn't work at all? I have to install from source?


widdowquinn commented 8 months ago

Sadly, yes. The average_nucleotide_identity.py script runs with the conda installation, but the pyani <XXXX> form does not.

conmeehan commented 8 months ago

Ok no worries, I can work with that. Thanks!


widdowquinn commented 3 months ago

Only closing because it's an idle issue - please do reopen if you need to.