widgetti / ipyaggrid

Using ag-Grid in Jupyter notebooks.
MIT License
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Is this still being maintained? #51

Open gioxc88 opened 10 months ago

gioxc88 commented 10 months ago

Hello guys, just wondering if this is still being maintained.

Really appreciate you work on ipyaggrid but as it's been almost 3 months since there's been a reply to the most recent issues opened, I just wonder if there's any problem at all and if this is still under active developement.

Thank you very much Gio

mariobuikhuizen commented 10 months ago

Hi Gio,

Thank you for reaching out and expressing your concerns about the ongoing maintenance of the ipyaggrid project. We appreciate your interest and your contributions in the form of bug reports.

We apologize for the lack of recent activity and timely responses to issues. We’re aware that we have not been able to prioritize the project as much as we’d like. Rest assured, we plan to triage existing issues in the near future.

We’re currently exploring avenues for additional funding to better allocate resources for the sustained development of this project. If you have any leads or suggestions in that regard, we would be immensely grateful for your support.

For those using ipyaggrid in a professional capacity, we offer dedicated support services. Please feel free to reach out to us at ipyaggrid@widgetti.io for further details.

Thank you once again for your support and patience.

Best regards, Mario

el-abcd commented 1 month ago



Is an update to a newer version of aggrid in the works?
Note: I would be happy to contribute funding ($50/$100) to help fund a gofundme, etc. effort for upgrades if that helps, so far this is the best "datagrid" I see that I can manage to get working with python.
Also, I'm happy to make this a separate issue, if tagging onto this issue isn't helpful.


I have been learning ipyaggrid / Ag-grid, and have been finding it very powerful! (handles many rows, allows pivoting, excellent filtering, etc.).

There were some features I was trying out and having trouble getting working, and I think I understand (at least some of) what is going on.

It looks like ipyagrid v0.5.4 is using version 28.1.1 of aggrid...

 https://github.com/widgetti/ipyaggrid/blob/master/js/package-lock.json.  "ag-grid-community": "28.1.1",  

which is from 2022: https://blog.ag-grid.com/whats-new-in-ag-grid-28-1/

And some things have changed in more recent ag-grid versions, For example: The aggrid docs mention: 'groupTotalRow': 'bottom',
While in version 28.1.1 it looks like the right setting is: 'groupIncludeTotalFooter': True,

Which was tricky to figure out what was going on... While I can find a bit of info on version 28.1.1 at https://www.ag-grid.com/archive/28.1.1/ , if I follow the links to javascript docs it only seems to show the "current" docs. I did poke around awhile and found that https://www.ag-grid.com/archive/28.1.1/react-data-grid/grouping-footers/ looks like it will show the older docs though.
Maybe a "small fix" would be to add a link to the 28.1.1 ag-grid docs in the README.md, or https://widgetti.github.io/ipyaggrid/ ?

Regards, Eric