widgetti / reacton

A pure Python port of React for ipywidgets
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Element keys set with Reacton `.key(...)` are not recognized by the ipyvuetify transition group #36

Open egormkn opened 3 months ago

egormkn commented 3 months ago

Hello! I'm not sure if this issue should be opened in reacton or ipyvuetify repository. When I try to use Vuetify transition groups, I get an error in browser console saying: [Vue warn]: <transition-group> children must be keyed: <v-dialog>

However I used a key method on reacton elements inside the group:

with rv.FadeTransition(group=True):
    if figures.raw_measurements:
    if figures.field_accuracy:
    if figures.calibration_moment:

(MplFigure here is a @reacton.component with rv.Dialog as the root element.) Should the same keys be used by Vue in browser?