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FigureAltair does not render in jupyter/colab #287

Open rlskoeser opened 8 months ago

rlskoeser commented 8 months ago

I'm working one some some code generating altair charts and they display just fine when I use the local solara runserver, but when I try to render them in jupyter and colab, nothing displays.

I don't see any python errors to help diagnose the problem; in the browser javascript console for Colab, I see these javascript errors:

ReferenceError: requirejs is not defined
TypeError: this.do_plot_debounced is not a function

I installed altair 5.1.1 in Colab to match the version in my local python environment.

I've done some googling for these errors but not found anything that seemed directly applicable.

Please advise on how to resolve or how else I can troubleshoot. Thank you!

tpike3 commented 8 months ago

I believe I am having a similar issue as @rlskoeser I can get the Altair example to render wrapping the example in code in display --

display(alt.Chart(source, title="Daily Max Temperatures (C) in Seattle, WA").mark_rect().encode( alt.X("date(date):O").title("Day").axis(format="%e", labelAngle=0), alt.Y("month(date):O").title("Month"), alt.Color("max(temp_max)").title(None), tooltip=[ alt.Tooltip("monthdate(date)", title="Date"), alt.Tooltip("max(temp_max)", title="Max Temp"), ], ).configure_view( step=13, strokeWidth=0 ).configure_axis( domain=False ))

but the chart doesn't dynamically update like with the .py files rendered in the browser. This is the same for the ipyleaflet advanced where the map is dynamic in that I can move the marker but the location does not update and then if I click the reset or zoom marker the other widgets will update (i.e. zoom level) but the map does not.

maartenbreddels commented 8 months ago

Hi Rebecca,

thanks for opening the issue. Are you using Jupyter Lab or notebook, and which version are you using.

@tpike3 I do not think the ipyleaflet issue is related, could you open a new issue for that and precisely describe how I can reproduce it (do you use solara server/jupyter lab/notebook, and which versions)



rlskoeser commented 8 months ago

Hi @maartenbreddels, thanks for responding.

I was initially using Colab. I don't know if there's a way to see anything about version information there, do you know? When it didn't work there, I tested with a Jupyter notebook running through Jupyter Lab version 4.0.1. I could try upgrading that if you think it would help, but I do want to be able use this in Colab.

maartenbreddels commented 8 months ago

Dear Rebecca,

Thank you for the additional information. The next release should have a fix for both classic notebook and Jupyter Lab via https://github.com/widgetti/solara/pull/288 Colab is a bit more complicated. A draft PR is available from https://github.com/widgetti/solara/pull/292 But we need to have a bit more information from https://github.com/googlecolab/colab-cdn-widget-manager/issues/43 to be sure this is a correct fix and does not lead to new issues.



rlskoeser commented 8 months ago

@maartenbreddels thanks for addressing this so quickly, that's fantastic. I appreciate knowing the status of this.