widgetti / solara

A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
MIT License
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More detail to how Solara works without a jupyter kernel #615

Open paddymul opened 2 weeks ago

paddymul commented 2 weeks ago

We have a Voila workflow that we are looking to replace with regular react/api server backends so we can have a lighter weight more scaleable backend.

From this page https://solara.dev/documentation/advanced/understanding/voila

it looks like Solara could be a good option. Can you add more detail to that documentation page explaining how Solara converts regular ipywidgets (or ipywidgets wrapped with reacton) into a paradigm that works with a traditional server. It would help to explain the advantages of a Solara solution internally.

maartenbreddels commented 1 week ago

Hi Paddy,

Did you find https://solara.dev/documentation/advanced/understanding/solara-server and does that answer your questions? If not, let me know which details are still missing.

