widgetti / solara

A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
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"Page not found by Solara router" with the boilerplate package from `solara create portal ` #619

Closed jmp75 closed 2 weeks ago

jmp75 commented 2 weeks ago

I am considering using solara for a prototype/showcase app. Starting from the boilerplate from solara create portal seems not to work out of the box with the current version 1.32

I'll see if I can figure out a PR, but no promise - not my field.

Repro info

python --version # 3.9.13; debian linux
cd $HOME/.venvs/
python -m venv solara-env
source ./solara-env/bin/activate
pip install solara # installs 1.32.0
~/.venvs/solara-env/bin/python -m pip install --upgrade pip
pip install matplotlib pandas vaex plotly
mkdir -p $HOME/$BLAH/showcase/
cd $HOME/$BLAH/showcase/
solara create --help
solara create portal stream-temperature
cd stream-temperature/
pip install --no-deps -e .
cd ..
solara run stream_temperature
jmp75 commented 2 weeks ago

My bad... Proverbial RTFM, I needed to run solara run stream_temperature.pages.


On the plus side there is now hopefully a searchable web entry for it.