widgetti / solara

A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
MIT License
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Pyodide & Solara Integration? #629

Open SuperPauly opened 2 weeks ago

SuperPauly commented 2 weeks ago

I want to add Pyodide to Solara so the clients can run Python code in the browser.

Having a look over Solara code base i noticed this line:

render_kwargs={"for_pyodide": True}

What does it do? I found it here and was curious to know if there is a simpler way than adding it manually, which brings me onto my next question.

I can see in Solara's documentation that I can have a head tag but I can't use a script tag, is this correct? If so how would I add Pyodide from a CDN?

I have setup the Assets & Public directories but I'm not sure how to use the Githubissues.

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