widgetti / solara

A Pure Python, React-style Framework for Scaling Your Jupyter and Web Apps
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can I run solara apps with custom virtual environments? #719

Open dfguerrerom opened 1 month ago

dfguerrerom commented 1 month ago

In my organization we are planning to move some of the applications that we have developed and made available in production through Voila to solara. Currently, we have one jupyter server that serves our apps with their own kernels, if I have understood solara correctly, it serves one single app using the same environment where solara was installed, right? what if I want to serve more apps? I was thinking on having an entry point with different routes to the other apps, but in that case they would be sharing the same venv, right? is this scenario considered somewhere?

maartenbreddels commented 3 weeks ago

If you want multiple environments, with different solara servers I would just run multiple servers and but nginx in front of it. In the jupyter world, the jupyter server is acting like a reverse proxy, but I think with solara it is better to put nginx in front of it.

https://solara.dev/documentation/getting_started/deploying/self-hosted should help you get started with a single path /, but with the help of chatgpt you can probably do multiple very easily.