wiedehopf / readsb

ADS-B decoder swiss knife
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Unknown error height #43

Closed MDQ0512 closed 1 month ago

MDQ0512 commented 11 months ago

In recent use I have found that some of the ground data received by the aircraft after landing or preparing to take off will be decoded into the air. It is not continuous but intermittent. I am close to the airport, and the surrounding area is relatively open, may I ask whether this is the decoding problem of readsb or the environment

wiedehopf commented 11 months ago

This is by far not enough data to give any answer. (not even clear what exactly the issue is) This command used on a certain aircraft BEFORE the issue happens can help gather data. viewadsb --show-only

There are also some debug flags that you can use in regards to ground / air transition i believe but i haven't used them in a bit so i'd have to look at the code.

There are options to store / replay beast data but it's somewhat complicated to use.

If you're less technical, i'd ask that you expose your beast data via a port somehow so i can take a look.