wiedehopf / readsb

ADS-B decoder swiss knife
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Feature Request: Support for Multiple Receivers with Different Frequencies #52

Closed simeononsecurity closed 9 months ago

simeononsecurity commented 9 months ago

Title: Enhance Multi-Receiver Capability for Varied Frequencies

Description: I would like to propose a feature request for readsb to include support for the simultaneous use of multiple receivers, each dedicated to different frequencies. Specifically, this would enable users to employ separate receivers for ADS-B and UAT (Universal Access Transceiver) frequencies concurrently.

Use Case: Currently, readsb primarily focuses on receiving and decoding signals from ADS-B transponders at a specific frequency. With the growing adoption of UAT for additional aircraft information, it would be highly beneficial to have the capability to use a separate receiver tuned to the UAT frequency concurrently. This enhancement would provide a more comprehensive and versatile solution for users interested in monitoring both ADS-B and UAT transmissions simultaneously.

Requested Features:

  1. Multi-Receiver Configuration: Allow users to configure and use multiple receivers within readsb, with each receiver dedicated to a specific frequency band.

  2. Frequency Specification: Provide options for users to define the frequency for each receiver independently. For example, one receiver for ADS-B at 1090 MHz and another for UAT at a different frequency.

  3. Enhanced Networking Support: Extend networking options to accommodate multiple receivers, allowing users to forward data from different receivers to distinct output ports or protocols.

  4. Configuration Management: Include configuration parameters in the readsb configuration files or command line options to specify the details of each receiver, such as device type, frequency, gain, and network settings.


Note: This feature request aims to enhance the versatility of readsb by accommodating users with diverse needs in the ADS-B and UAT monitoring space. The ability to utilize multiple receivers with different frequencies would contribute to the software's utility and relevance in evolving aviation communication scenarios.