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Filters clear URL of other query parameters #185

Closed alejomedia closed 1 year ago

alejomedia commented 2 years ago


Adding a filter as a query parameter seems to wipe the URL clear of any other parameter. This behavior only started today (June 8) -- I was previously using a custom url query with a bunch of different parameters and it was working fine.

For example: This URL is set to filter for a specific helicopter, give it a yellow icon and show its trail for the last 20 minutes: https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?icaoFilter=ADA908&tempTrails=1200&monochromeMarkers=E8CC43

While the page loads with the expected parameters applied, the url changes after page load (or sometimes, after interacting with the map like clicking and moving around) to https://globe.adsbexchange.com/?&icaoFilter=ada908. This means that if I refresh the page, the other custom parameter along with the original URL are lost.

This issue is present with icaoFilter, and I've occasionally managed to reproduce it with filterDescription and filterAltMin as well (probably others but that's what I've tested).

wiedehopf commented 2 years ago

Yeah i don't have time right now to program it to keep all the given parameters in the URL intact. Really if you want to craft such elaborate stuff, you'll often have to craft the URL by hand.

I've made some changes that you should like, but you'll have to keep adding the cosmetic options.