wielebenwir / cb-legacy

Wordpress plugin for managing and booking of common goods. New Version 2: https://github.com/wielebenwir/commonsbooking
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Minify JS and CSS #133

Open flegfleg opened 8 years ago

flegfleg commented 8 years ago

Originally reported by: Ralph W (Bitbucket: ralphW, GitHub: ralphW)

The code of these two files is not minified and leads to a worse page speed ranking by google:

public.js commons-booking.css

Could they be minified? For ease of maintenance, both versions (src and min) could still be provided with the releases, but only minified version could be used by default.

flegfleg commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Florian Egermann (Bitbucket: flegfleg, GitHub: flegfleg):

CSS is minified in 0.9.

JS will follow

flegfleg commented 8 years ago

Original comment by Ralph W (Bitbucket: ralphW, GitHub: ralphW):

URL is https://developers.google.com/speed/pagespeed/insights/