wieslawsoltes / PanAndZoom

Pan and zoom control for Avalonia.
MIT License
337 stars 44 forks source link

Most recent stable release requires Avalonia Beta version. #45

Closed piotrek-b closed 3 years ago

piotrek-b commented 3 years ago


I've came across this library and found it useful in the project, however - I'm not able to use the latest stable version (2.3.3). I'm using 2.3.2 instead. This is because of the fact that most recent version uses AvaloniaUI beta version 0.9.999-cibuild0006647-beta. I don't think that's good if not needed, wouldn't 0.9.12 be enough? I would like to use zoomChanged event handler but it's not a part of 2.3.2 release.

Detected package downgrade: Avalonia from 0.9.999-cibuild0006647-beta to 0.9.12. Reference the package directly from the project to select a different version. 
 MyProj -> Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom 2.3.3 -> Avalonia (>= 0.9.999-cibuild0006647-beta) 
 MyProj -> Avalonia (>= 0.9.12)
wieslawsoltes commented 3 years ago

This looks like some issue with my automated CI system. Will do fix release.

wieslawsoltes commented 3 years ago

Fixed version has been published https://www.nuget.org/packages/Avalonia.Controls.PanAndZoom/2.3.4

piotrek-b commented 3 years ago

This version does not include ZoomChanged event handler support, is this intentional?

wieslawsoltes commented 3 years ago

This version does not include ZoomChanged event handler support, is this intentional?

This requires newer AvaloniaUI. You can use 3.0.0-rc1

piotrek-b commented 3 years ago

Are there any docs on how to setup a project in newer Avalonia version? It seems that it's not compatible with previous version, it does not show any UI on build and run

wieslawsoltes commented 3 years ago


piotrek-b commented 3 years ago

Ok I went through it but I'm not able to run my app, I'm only able to build it. No errors, just nothing besides building happens.

dotnet run logs:



using Avalonia;

namespace MyProject
    class Program

        // Initialization code. Don't use any Avalonia, third-party APIs or any
        // SynchronizationContext-reliant code before AppMain is called: things aren't initialized
        // yet and stuff might break.
        public static void Main(string[] args) => BuildAvaloniaApp()

        // Avalonia configuration, don't remove; also used by visual designer.
        public static AppBuilder BuildAvaloniaApp()
            => AppBuilder.Configure<App>()